Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Nigerian defense chief says the government has located the kidnapped girls, but then he stages a protest to convince people he can't mount a rescue attempt.

VA pays many malpractice claims.
"The label, “delay in diagnosis,” appears 525 times in the VA data on paid claims, ranking fourth highest. Those claims resulted in 167 deaths, according to the data, with payouts totaling $115 million. An example from the Dayton VA was a case paid in 2006 for $275,000 after the family of a deceased patient alleged VA staff failed to timely diagnose an infection after a total hip surgery.
“Delay in treatment” appeared 491 times, with a total price tag of $100.3 million. An example from the Dayton VA includes a 2010 allegation that a veteran lost his leg after delayed treatment of a graft. The VA denied that claim."
This is what one would expect from socialized medicine.

Why government is obsessed with running not just VA hospitals.
"The reason for this of course is that by providing health care directly through VA health care and VA hospitals, government can more easily subsidize and favor certain corporations and other government contractors who provide drugs, equipment and services to VA providers. If veterans were simply given stipends, then the veterans themselves might choose the “wrong” (i.e., not-politically-favored) providers."
Of course.

Obama announces plan to extend Afghan war past 2014. It's funny how the press has twisted this to say he's ending the war.

Man now bigwig at Google helped NSA capture all cell phone calls in Afghanistan. More.

Marines prepare to evacuate US embassy in Libya. That's what happens when the US turns over a country to terrorists, which they're trying to repeat in Syria.

Under phony, new president, Ukrainian soldiers kill 50 separatists.

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