Monday, May 19, 2014


This is the most honest paragraph written by the DDN about the Fuyao deal.
"Ohio beat out other states, including Michigan, to lure Chinese auto glass manufacturer Fuyao to the former GM plant in Moraine by traveling the globe, schmoozing with company officials and putting together a top-secret incentive package."
They should have said that from the beginning.
"Taxpayers have so far been kept in the dark on details of the government incentive package, but the Ohio Tax Credit Authority will likely take up the issue when it meets on Tuesday.
Given the size of the project, the fierce competition to win Fuyao and the Kasich administration’s history of using incentives to lure businesses to come or stay in Ohio, the package is expected to be worth millions of dollars to the Chinese company."
No doubt. The government steals so much money, no company will come here with a promise to reduce the amount it steals.

Construction cones will be everywhere.

Police radio traffic on the nights UD won in the NCAA tournament when were cops were accused of brutality.

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