As predicted, will not work by the end of November.
34 times more people are buying guns and using the gun background check website than are using
Bill Clinton criticizes Obama, urges him to keep his promise that people can keep their health insurance plans. Ouch. So much for Democrats being able to blame insurance companies. Additionally, Obama can't do this. They need to kick people out of cheap plans and into expensive plans to pay for covering more, high risk people. Feinstein joins Democrats pushing for this. Democrat Congressman says Obama "grossly" misled the public. And he's from liberal Oregon.
South Carolina Democrat incumbent lost 10-15 points because of Obamacare. That's why Democrats are suddenly pushing to change Obamacare. But Obama doesn't care. He's a lame duck.
One million policies canceled in California so far.
The same old Obama allies are pulling the same corrupt tricks regarding Obamacare.
"The events of O’Keefe’s video of a Texas navigator site run by the National Urban League are a familiar sight to viewers of his past efforts exposing Medicaid and voter fraud. Government-paid workers supposedly trained to uphold the law advise clients on how to lie on government forms, evade legal requirements, and ignore proper procedures."It's the same old thing.
Increased Medicaid enrollment touted as success instead of failure.
Krugman tells students that higher taxes and death panels will be required in the future. Sounds like the future is today.
Walter Williams imagines what would happen if government took over stocking supermarkets then compares that to government taking over our health insurance market.
New clinical guidelines get rid of the arbitrary cholesterol targets, but since they keep proscribing statins, they're still screwed up. This is propaganda to make it appear the establishment is adapting to the real science that shows no link between cholesterol and heart disease while continuing the old, damaging treatment methods.
How government protects vaccine makers from liability.
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