Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Foreign Policy

In hopes of becoming Secretary of State, Susan Rice took one for Obama when she made the Sunday TV rounds blaming a video for the terrorist attack in Benghazi. Now she's taking a second bullet for Obama by blaming the intelligence community. She has now made herself the focal point of honesty. Will Americans punish the obvious liar or will the surrender further and allow her to become Secretary of State. Let's use our brains. Why did Obama bring in the ambassador to the US instead of Hillary, Petraeus, that political tool in charge of the Defense Department, the DCI or anybody else? Because she was willing to lie to get ahead and they weren't because Obama wasn't dangling a promoting in front of them.

Nearly 100 Repubicans call on Obama not to nominate Rice. This is shaping up to be the first big battle of Obama's second term.

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