Saturday, June 21, 2008

Free kibbles

Louisiana passes school voucher bill for New Orleans, allowing poor children to attend private schools.

Zimbabwe President Mugabe's rein of terror has been successful as opposition party withdraws from run-off election. We live in a world of terrorists because terrorism works, especially when backed by the state. Every freedom-loving individual in the world should be angry at Mugabe and the lack of action by the African and international community. Where are the UN resolutions condemning Mugabe and where are the draconian sanctions he has earned? Where is the international fleet of navy ships blockading his ports? Talk is cheap, and the international community didn't even talk the talk. The so-called international community and the UN are jokes.

UN warns that bombing Iran's nuclear facilities would turn the Middle East into a metaphorical ball of fire. They don't say that allowing Iran to develop a nuclear bomb would turn cities into literal balls of fire. I disagree with the premise anyway. Nobody in the Middle East, except some radical Iranians, wants the mad Mullahs to obtain a nuclear weapon.

Headline says House votes to expand president's wiretap powers. This is not accurate. The commander-in-chief already had the power to wiretap anybody he suspected of being a terrorist or terrorist sympathizer because we're in the middle of a war. Neither Congress nor the Courts have any power to limit or expand the commander-in-chief's war powers. Congress can end the war, cut off funding for the war, or impeach the president, but that's the limit to their checks on his war powers. What the House voted to do was to provide immunity to telecoms who actually perform the wiretaps on behalf of the government.

Iranians told to conserve energy or face blackouts. Iran is sitting on more oil than it could ever need to power the country, but they don't have energy. And their oil producing facilities are crumbling around them. The Iranian regime is collapsing. The only thing that might save it is obtaining a nuclear bomb and using that to blackmail the international community to provide it support. That's why bombing the nuclear facilities isn't nearly as bad an option as liberals make it out to be. If we destroyed those facilities, setting the program back 5 years or so, the regime wouldn't be able to survive to develop the weapon in the future.

Opposition candidate urged to withdrawal from Zimbabwe election because most believe the election has been so thoroughly rigged he can't win.

McCain holds private meeting, pandering to Hispanics, telling them he's really still for comprehensive immigration reform, not border security as he's been claiming on the campaign trail. This is what passes for "straight talk" by government aristocrats. I never believed he changed his position, and anybody who did, and voted for him because of it, is a fool.

And Obama attended Louis Farrakhan's Million Man March. Obama says Republicans will use race to stoke fear. Right. This radical black activist who hangs out with people who look up to Louis Farrakhan accuses Republicans of using race to stoke fear. The double standard that's being institutionalized here is scary. It's not only OK for a black man to look up to black supremacists, to borrow a term, but it's a badge of honor, and anybody who criticizes this behavior is revealed as a racist. But if a white man ever sets foot in the same building as a white supremacist, he's ostracized to the fringes of society forever. This double-standard is scary.

More Bush derangement syndrome: Lou Dobbs calls for impeaching Bush because of salmonella outbreak. Yeah. It's Bush's fault.

Declaration of war on terror - war resolution, authorization of military force, right after 9/11.

Florida governor Christ endorses McCain's plan to allow states (except Alaska) to determine whether or not to drill for oil off their shores.

Global warming frauds are now advocating high gas taxes since it has proven effective at convincing Americans to change their driving habits. It's all about power and control.

School officials call Children's services on parent because a psychic said the child was being sexually abused.

Cloud formation related to natural climate cycles may be responsible for global warming. Duh.

In order to balance the city budget, Cincinnati's city manager, previously from Dayton, proposed implementing red-light cameras to generate $1,000,000 in revenue. Uniformed tax collectors. Fortunately Mayor Mallory promises a veto.

George Will thinks habeas corpus should be extended to Guantanamo detainees, but he doesn't discuss either the consequences or why the constitution hasn't said that for the last 219 years, but suddenly does. It's ironic that this clear rejection of the separation of powers specified in the Constitution is being rationalized on basis of enforcing separation of powers.

John Stossel refutes many of the bogus assumptions of the war on drugs, with links, and makes a passionate case for legalizing all drugs. We need this guy to be on the TV much more often.

Michael Barone points out that facts like progress in Iraq, acquittal of Haditha Marines, and gas prices are undermining Democrat positions.

Boortz rips commentator who wants socialist policies, i.e. taxpayer money, in return for drilling for oil off the Florida coast. I can see where this guy is coming from - socialism rewards greedy bastards like this and is the source of all the income disparity liberals rail against, unlike in free markets where everybody has to compete. How about Florida just rakes in the dough from the oil they sell and we call it even?

What were the Soviets doing with an Apollo capsule?

Cool map of the Firefox 3 download countries on download day. Over half came from the US. Most interesting to me was that 0 came from North Korea. Some African country had 8, which was the next lowest I saw. But even Cuba had over 3,000. Iran had half a million. North Korea had 0. Talk about a prison country.

This compressed air injecting knife is bizarre. Who thought of that, and why?

Britain to inject released prisoners with RFID chips.

Bread kills. Funny. Dihydrogen monoxide may not be the deadliest substance man consumes any more.

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