Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Free kibbles

Fed auctions $75 billion to banks. The value of your dollars just dropped by a proportional amount. These banks have no incentive to change their holding to lending ratios to become more stable because of the Fed backstop.

The marketplace continues to adapt to high gas prices with GM planning to shut down 4 truck plants and drop the Hummer.

Families broken up by Texas authorities finally reunited. Good for them. Now, Texas, go about this the right way and make sure no more kids are abused in that sect.

Outgoing NATO general calls for more troops in Afghanistan.

Iraq is showing more independence, disagreeing with the US on future troop allocations. That's excellent. We wanted them to stand on their own 2 feet, and they may do it differently than we want or hope, but they're doing it.

Putin bans opponents from appearing on TV.

The other reason our immigration laws need fixed is so we don't deport refugees from the Soviet Union or anywhere else who came to America, learned the language, history and values, assimilated, and excelled. That's as dumb as inviting illegal immigrants to come and stay here by the millions.

Mugabe blocks aid to Zimbabwe, pretending Care was campaigning for the opposition. Anne Applebaum says Mugabe's appearance on vacation in Rome shows the futility of international diplomacy. Italy should never have allowed this crook to enter.

UN food crisis summit calls for reduced export controls. This is another version of the tragedy of the commons. Any one country can gain an advantage by increasing export controls relative to other countries. But when everybody does this, food prices go up for everybody.

More navies will fight piracy off Somalia.

Government is finally going to build a nuclear waste dump at Yucca Mountain.

Student's love cognitive enhancement pills. But if they were baseball players taking steroids, we would demonize them.

The Politico explains that Drudge isn't conservative. No kidding. Drudge is about sensationalism and gossip, not ideology. But he still sets the agenda with his breaking stories and far-ranging scope.

Hillary Clinton is suddenly "open" to becoming Obama's VP. This would help Democrats a lot. Both camps would find it distasteful, but they'd still hold their noses and vote Obama.

Rumor of tape of Michelle Obama and Louis Farakhan ripping whitey. Obviously, this would be explosive if it was true, but the Machiavellian implications defy credibility. Is Hillary's meeting to discuss whether or not to drop this bomb? Could somebody really have this tape and sit on it this long? Is somebody just waiting for Obama to get the nod and drop it in the general election? It all seems very unlikely. It's not unlikely that Michelle Obama did it. It's just unlikely anybody is sitting on a tape.

In order to raise more money, McCain campaign creates legal loophole to get around McCain-Feingold campaign financing limits. These government aristocrats are absolutely shameless. They have no compunction whatsoever to follow the very same laws they write. Why we ever Congress to exempt themselves from the laws they pass, I'll never know. It just bred even worse behavior. Cato explains that campaign finance laws are invariably about limiting the speech of challengers and therefore empowering incumbents, not fighting corruption as they claim. That's pretty obvious.

Cato highlights the waste in the military procurement process.

Search for Titanic was cover for search of sunk US nuclear submarines.

Firefox to hit 20% market share.

Intel's Atom CPU uses little power.

This hair-brained lunatic wants to give government power to control our air. Apparently her myopia doesn't allow her to understand the consequences. Unfortunately, there's precedent for this - the FCC. If government is a trustee of the "public airwaves" then it seems logical that government is also the trustee of the "public air". This is very scary. Funny how she wants to use the courts because politicians won't act. The courts were supposed to be the weakest branch of government, but liberals want them to become the policy-making arm of government.

I would hope Gina Gershon has better taste than to hook up with Bill Clinton. She isn't as hard up as Monica Lewinsky and Bill's usual prey.

Pat Buchanan explains the history surrounding Munich in 1938 that defined appeasement. What he mentions only in passing is that Hitler was intending world war all along. The items on his list were ways to grow Germany's power on the road to world war. Chamberlain's error was in appeasing a madman, helping him gain power without expending any resources, instead of standing firm against Hitler.

Thomas Sowell reports that Barack Obama earmarked $325,000 to Father Pfleger, priest who just preached the racist rant at Obama's church. Obama and the media want us to think there's only a coincidental association between them, but here we have hard evidence that Obama's associations, downplayed as they are, carry over into his governing. We can expect Rev. Wright and Father Pfleger to play an important role in an Obama presidency as well.

Here's a remarkably accurate breakdown of the time spent doing web design.

Text of Ron Paul's speeches and statements in the House of Representatives.

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