Sunday, June 15, 2008

Free kibbles

The NYTimes shows that the current Court has radically diverted from its traditional deference to the Commander in Chief during wartime. We can't win a war anymore because the Supreme Court is fighting for the other side against the Constitution (in this case) and tradition. The article claims that Bush is responsible, which is absurd when you compare Bush to past commanders in chief. The Court remained silent while previous commanders-in-chiefs seriously abused their power. That was the norm. FDR put large numbers of Americans in concentration camps just because of their ancestry. Lincoln suspended Habeas Corpus for Americans in America. Revolutionary forces burned the homes and hanged British sympathizers without trial. Bush has been remarkably restrained compared to past commanders-in-chief during wartime, but this activist Court has pushed itself into the war waging arena anyway. This is another example of the 60s counter culture, the entitlement mentality of liberals that want to have peace but don't want to fight and win an ugly war to have it. They just want somebody to give it to them.

This is another reason the world doesn't respect us. The world knows that our worst enemies are ourselves. Nobody wants to be our ally in a war because we're unreliable. We're unwilling to finish what we start or to even defend ourselves effectively. That does great harm to our foreign policy.

God forbid that oil and natural gas companies annoy polar bears! This loony-left article comes from the AP too. The loony-left is outraged that oil companies get a blank check to harass polar bears. Nothing could be worse. It's the end of the world. We're all going to burn in a hell of our own making because oil companies harass polar bears. Legions of trial lawyers are spinning up lawsuits as we speak over this. This is yet another example of the consequences of the 60s counter culture that has dragged America into decline and make foreign policy next to impossible to promote. The rest of the world is pointing and laughing at us. I want to know why Republicans don't go on the offensive against this crap. Why don't they demand the loony-left explain why they consider harassing polar bears more important than people dying because they're trapped in poverty?

Once again this is liberals wanting something for nothing. We want people out of poverty. We want cheap gas prices. We want no harassment of polar bears. We want. We want. We want. But we don't want to make choices or sacrifices or have to pay for it or have to work for any of it. Give it all to us now!

Michael Barone defends lobbyists. It's too bad both Obama and McCain decry them while taking their money through the back door. It's really sad that only Hillary Clinton defended them. Barone is right. Lobbyists are as American as apply pie, and they aren't our problem. That's like saying that obese children are the problem instead of their parents. Of course the government aristocrats want to point the finger at lobbyists because the real problem is the government aristocrats. The problem is government is selling favors. Lobbyists would fools not to buy them and leave them for somebody else to buy. And the reason so many favors are for sale is because government has tremendously expanded its power beyond constitutional limits. Every power the people surrender to government is put up for sale by government aristocrats. The solution is to take back our power from aristocrats so they can't sell it to lobbyists. This isn't rocket science.

Democrat senator admits Countrywide gave him preferential treatment on loans. I'm sure most have done the same. This is just another example of the corruption factory that is Washington D.C.

Bush warns Brown against pulling out of Iraq prematurely. We're on the verge of victory. Why jeopardize that?

A. Q. Khan's smuggling ring had blueprints for an advanced nuclear weapon which could be mounted on a missile. These blueprints were supplied to Iran and North Korea.

Afghan President Karzai threatens to send troops into Pakistan to assault Taliban and al Qaeda terrorists who have safe haven there. It's about time somebody got forceful about that. According to the Bush doctrine, Pakistan is against us, right? We are lacking a clear speaking leader. Bush should have called out Pakistan for harboring terrorists long ago.

Irish Prime Minister calls for the EU to pass the EU treaty despite the votes of the Irish people rejecting it. That's not a very smart way to keep your job. And this just shows the difference between Europe and the US. In Europe, elections are formalities to be tossed aside if they don't agree with the will of the ruling elites. Self-government in Europe is an illusion to appease the masses. Ireland is the only country out of 27 that even allowed a vote on the treaty. In America, the people still have the power to control our government, for now. But we're losing it fast.

I'm sure Jewish settlements complicate the peace process, but focusing on them now is like focusing on the shaving cut of a man who just lost a leg. They are an issue to be addressed after Hamas and Hezbollah are disarmed.

Obama reiterates his plans to drive the economy into the ground by raising income and payroll taxes on the rich and small business owners and dramatically increasing government spending. His Marxist mentors are very happy. It's fitting he was digging a hole when he did this. Highlighting his lack of understanding of history, he compares the Nazi war crimes trials after WWII to granting habeas corpus to terrorists in the middle of the war. This guy isn't just messiah-scary, he's dumb. He doesn't know the simplest history. He doesn't know the simplest economics. He doesn't know the simplest geography.

Trying to heal the damage in Michigan and Florida, Obama gives them full votes. Now that it doesn't matter.

Poor victim Michelle Obama. "They're going to try to depict her as someone who is angry, outside the mainstream and not proud to be an American." I wonder why Republicans would do that? Could it be because of her own words? Of course, Michelle Obama isn't responsible for her own words. Republicans are at fault for pointing them out. But McCain echoes Michelle Obama's sentiments,pandering to the Ivy league crowd, saying it's tough to be proud of America. Can we please throw these 2 horrible candidates and their horrible parties back and get new ones now?

Salmon are sick. Have to blame global warming. It's the only possibility, right?

I'm not surprised that the Wall Street Journal is excellent under Murdoch. Why would anybody be surprised? He's turned everything he touched to gold. Of course, the author shows his bias by pointing out he read the NYTimes.

'“What Barack Obama has accomplished is the single most extraordinary event that has occurred in the 232 years of the nation’s political history. The event itself is so extraordinary that another chapter could be added to the Bible to chronicle its significance,” declared Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr. of Chicago.' You've got to be kidding me.

The man who wrote the Constitution understand that charity is not the job of federal government. That's because it's so dangerous to freedom and prosperity.
" The government of the United States is a definite government, confined to specified objects. It is not like state governments, whose powers are more general. Charity is no part of the legislative duty of the government."
-- James Madison, speech in the House of Representatives, January 10, 1794
From quotes about limited government.

I'm not the only one who recognizes the foreign policy implication of our failed domestic policies that are direct result of the 60s temper tantrum. This guy says the message we send to the rest of the world by refusing to exploit our tremendous energy reserves is that we no longer want to be a serious country. He's right. Our domestic policies have made us the laughing stock of the world. Nobody wants to work with us now.

Another Democrat voter registration group busted for fraud. This time it was Muslims.

Interesting article provides an intelligence briefing for CEOs. While it focuses on the Iraq war, China, demographics, and modern business models, the demographics section was the most interesting to me.

Why is it the FDA's job to make the food supply safer? Sure, we need government oversight because of terrorist threats, but shouldn't food suppliers be responsible for the safety of their product? Isn't that true of every supplier of every product?

Mom's have sex party with sleepover boys. I'm speechless.

Obama's hypocrisy on lobbyist money.

A dolphin has figured out how to save currency (trash), use it to its advantage (trade it for fish), and budget for future needs (stash some for later use), and the author wonders why Democrats are incapable of doing the same thing with our energy reserves. I'm not sure it's a good analogy, but the dolphin story is amazing, as is the Democrats' continued blocking of using our energy resources.

Ohio adopts "castle law" and simplifies concealed carry restrictions. Good deal.

Iraqi Speaker of the House thanks President Bush in a letter for the soldiers and politicians he sent to Iraq. Somehow this missed be reported in the mainstream media. I wonder if ABC fired this blogger who reported it.

Another article talking about how radical 60s liberalism created the social and political problems we have today, partly by attacking family values up and down the family tree.

George Will fears opening the Pandora's Box of replay in baseball.

Christopher Hitchens disagrees with Pat Buchanan, saying WWII was a war that had to be fought and won and that Churchill was the statesman of his time.

Europe is disappearing from the world stage. I think a return to libertarian values in America and an end to security welfare provided by America to Europe might shock them out of their suicidal malaise. But even if not, we need to get US troops out of there before the civil wars start. But Britain and France have nukes that have to be protected.

Interesting analysis shows McCain is following the same strategy that failed Hillary Clinton. The difference is McCain's experience is real. Hillary's was a lie. McCain is a war hero. Hillary is a crook. McCain is center-left and has verifiably reached across party lines many times. Hillary was a far left liberal pretending to be a centrist. But McCain is running a horrible campaign. He talks like a dying mouse. He parses his statements like Obama. There's nothing bold about McCain. Obama is all boldness with nothing behind it. But the people want boldness out of their leaders.

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