Security Council agrees on new sanctions for Iran - vote Saturday.
There's a shortage of medical personnel in Iraq because they've been targeted by terrorists.
Truce in Somalia.
Turks demand US stop Kurdish terrorists.
China tries to tighten ties with Russia, guarantee fuel.
Nancy Pelosi still hasn't bought enough votes to pass her Iraq deadline bill, but she's close. As much as Americans distrust Bush, they won't accept defeat in Iraq. Pelosi got the bill passed.
Reason decries Iraq war spending.
More evidence Bush was out of touch on Attorney firings may impact claims of executive privilege. David Iglesias did not leave the Justice Dept. quietly.
All charges against the Duke lacrosse players will be dropped. Nifong needs to pay a steep price for his abuse of power. And prosecutors all over the country need to be scrutinized just as closely to stop an epidemic of abuse of power.
Tourism drives global warming. If true, it would be a serious blow to multi-culturalism if nobody could travel. But the elite on their private planes, of course. Or could it be the sun? Reason injected into the global warming debate.
Australia considers allowing new uranium mines. Demand for nuclear fuel is exploding.
Gates supported closing Guantanamo.
Army revises up number of desertions.
Privacy of female soldiers.
European minister informs that political correctness is killing freedom. If only everybody saw that.
Millionaire allows homeless to live in his mansions rent free.
France opens its UFO files for the public. Maybe they can explain Chirac.
How western civilization is killing itself by the death of 1000 cuts.
Oversight is great - but Democratic partisanship is not oversight.
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