Sunday, March 11, 2007

Free kibbles

Lots of illegal immigrants in LA's gangs, but police aren't allowed to check.

US agencies still in-fighting in Iraq. It's ridiculous that after 4 years Bush still hasn't managed to coordinate our inter-agency operations to rebuild Iraq. In Bush's defense, Presidents have been trying to fix that problem for 50 years. I say dump the bureaucracies and start over.

US and Iraq officials meet at Iraqi summit.

Water-boarding is not torture. Neither is sleep deprivation, temperature extremes, difficult positions, etc. These are smart techniques to get answers without hurting the un-uniformed prisoners or war. These are not civilians who have been arrested and imprisoned for crimes. Leftist's bizarre claims are destructive to society let alone security.

ACLU claims that that FBI agents tried to cover up their abuse of the Patriot Act, implying the abuse was intentional

Bush boosts Columbian ally.

Good riddance to Jacques Chirac.

Hillary compares herself to JFK. Probably because everybody else is comparing Obama to JFK. Note to Hillary, let other people provide the glowing comparisons. When you do it yourself, you just show your natural tackiness. Can this woman be any more of a corrupt loser?

More global warming hysteria.

20 must have Firefox extensions.

Mark Steyn piles on Patrick Fitzgerald, specifically for invoking the cloud over the vice-president in his closing argument, as if it mattered and wasn't largely of Fitzgerald's creation.

Ralph Peters exposes the media bias on Bush's South American trip, and Chavez' attempts to influence it.

Robert Kagan says the new security strategy for Baghdad is working, much to the chagrin of the press and Democrats.

Even liberals know that the Democrats' plan is the worst possible plan

55% of voters consider character the number 1 issue for electing a President. As if we needed more evidence that Clinton, arguably the worst character ever elected President, and who carried only 43%, only won thanks to Ross Perot's third party runs.

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