Monday, September 07, 2015


GDP is a function of money supply.

The Fed is making hedge fund managers rich.
"Indeed, never in all of history have a few ten thousand punters made so many trillions in return for so little economic value added. But what Dalio did in this context was to invent an even more efficient machine to strip-mine the Fed’s monumental largesse.
To wit, Bridgewater’s computers buy more stocks on the “rips”, when equity volatility is falling and prices are rising; and then on the “dips” they rotate funds into more bonds when equity volatility is rising and the herd is retreating to the safe haven of treasuries and other fixed income securities, thereby causing the price of the latter to rise.
In short, there is a payday in every type of short-run financial weather because Bridgewater’s computers are monetary sump pumps; they constantly purge volatility from the portfolio.
But here’s the thing. The above chart could never exist in an honest free market."
Honest market.
"As it happened, however, in the last few weeks the long reign of the global money printers has begun to sprout fractures. Over on the other side of the earth in China what had become a 20-year long $4 trillion cumulative “bid” for US treasuries and other DM fixed income securities has gone serious “offers”.
This will prove to be one of the great financial pivots of history. During the course of their stupendous inflation of China’s $28 trillion Credit Ponzi, the red suzerains of Beijing bought treasuries hand over fist and thereby kept their price rising and the volatility of the world bond market falling." 

Hyperinflation in Venezuela has people using bolivars as napkins.

Skepticism over Apple's new iPhone and its manipulation of the media. The luster is gone.

Claim that the markets were halted on Black Monday.

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