Saturday, May 09, 2015


The Soviets won WWII.

Done attacks exposed for lack of accuracy and civilian deaths.
"The effectiveness of U.S. drone attacks in killing their targets vs. missing their targets and killing innocent human beings is analyzed in fine detail in this report. It looks at multiple attempts to kill a given person. For example, there were 3 U.S. drone attacks on the now-dead Mullah Nazir. These killed 24 innocent civilians. There were 3 U.S. drone attacks on the now-dead Mullah Sangeen Zadran; these killed 108 innocent civilians. Five attacks on the still-living Sirrajudin Haqqani have killed 82 civilians.
In multiple attempts to kill 41 men, the number of people killed in “collateral damage” is 1,147. That is, 28 innocent people have died for every attempt by the CIA or other U.S. forces to kill a target by drone."
Another Big Lie exposed.
"In the Damadola airstrike aimed at kingpin Ayman al-Zawahiri, at least 18 innocent people were killed but not him. There have been 2 attempts on his life by drones, and they have killed 105 people, but not him. "
No wonder they hate us.

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