Wednesday, May 13, 2015


More on Osama bin Laden's assassination exposes the Saudi connection to bin Laden.
"Those who have direct knowledge of the information contained therein are unequivocal about which country assisted the 9/11 hijackers in their grisly, fateful task. Graham says the Saudi government directly aided the hijackers and that the FBI has covered it up."
We keep hearing that, but nobody will show it.
"Hersh, in his interview with Democracy Now!, asserts the Saudis were aiding al-Qaeda both “before and after” 9/11, and that their fear of bin Laden blabbing to the Americans led to their support for his Abbottabad internment." 
They'll get away with it.
"Hersh’s bombshell story has the media in defensive mode: defensive, that is, of their patrons and overseers in official Washington. Nothing illustrates this master-slave relationship more clearly than the ferocity unleashed on Hersh by the administration’s Praetorian Guard in the “mainstream” press."
It shows their real role.
"There is much more to Hersh’s reporting than I can cover in one column, but his essential contentions – that bin Laden’s location was revealed by a “walk-in” from Pakistani intelligence, and that the Pakistani government knew the terrorist chieftain’s location – have already been corroborated by NBC News."
It's going to come out, but Obama and his sycophants will never admit it.

Largely ignored 2011 article agrees with Hersh's account.

Saudis only have superficial support against Houthis in Yemen.

Greek allegory of the hydra describes the war on terror.
"It may be worth considering the myth in greater detail. Perhaps it was a Greek way of expressing, in very graphic form, a truism: For some evils, a direct approach that seeks to decapitate the threat only results in the multiplication of that threat. This myth could well have been a Greek political allegory told as a cautionary tale."

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