Thursday, February 26, 2015


Obama's AG nominee Lynch performed lots of secret prosecutions, but Republicans passed her out of committee anyway.

HHS secretary denies knowledge of secret Obamacare fallback plan if the Supreme Court rules against it.

Pharaoh Obama at his most disgusting:
"Obama argued that he has merely “expanded my authorities” – not broken any laws:
“What we’ve done is we’ve expanded my authorities under executive action and prosecutorial discretion as far as we can legally under the existing statute, the existing law.  And so now the question is, how can we get a law passed.”"
"“So in the short term, if Mr. McConnell, the leader of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House, John Boehner, want to have a vote on whether what I’m doing is legal or not, they can have that vote.  I will veto that vote, because I’m absolutely confident that what we’re doing is the right thing to do.”"
He's a power-hungry, lawless monster.

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