Thursday, January 22, 2015

Police State

The origin of states pertains today.
"The best historical explanation offered for the origins of political systems is found in ancient days of merchants traveling, in caravans, from one marketplace to another. These traders would be pursued by looters who would forcibly take some of the goods and money possessed by the merchants. The looters would never completely despoil the businessmen, lest they discourage such caravan practices altogether. To make the system more predictable – and less troublesome for the looters – the caravans would be required to pass through established checkpoints and pay a fee, doubtless rationalized as a way for the merchants to enjoy the “protection” offered by the looters. The practice is still with us, in the form of “asset forfeitures” by various police agencies. "
That's not the only way.

The Argentine president who butted head with the dead prosecutor, not admits his death was not a suicide.

We're all against terrorism, but what are we for? I'm for freedom, peace and prosperity.

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