Sunday, January 25, 2015


Border agents oppose Republican immigration bill.

Failure of drones on the border.
"the Department of Homeland Security’s inspector general recently audited the use of drones on the border and issued a scathing report, calling them “dubious achievers” and essentially declaring them an enormous waste of money, time, and personnel. At $12,255 a flight hour (when not simply grounded), military-grade drones turned out to cost way more than the CBP estimated or reported, flew far less often, and helped find a mere 2% of the immigrants crossing the border without papers. As Craig Whitlock of the Washington Post reported, “Less than one-tenth of 1 percent of border-crossing apprehensions were attributed to drone detection.” The inspector general suggested that the CBP should, among other things, shelve its plans to expand its drone fleet (at the cost of a mere $443 million)."
That's crazy expensive. I thought the point of drones was to be cheaper, not just fly longer. It makes perfect sense, from our rulers' point of view, to employ Israeli technology.

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