Wednesday, July 02, 2014


Protesters in Hong Kong demand democratic independence from China.
"Police estimated the throng at almost 100,000, while organizers put the total at more than 500,000."
Then the number is likely somewhere in the middle.

Liberals like soccer more than conservatives. That doesn't surprise me a bit.

Patent office received zero complaints about Redskins name, but withdrew the trademark anyway.

Americans learning they aren't free.
"Seventy-nine percent of US residents are satisfied with their level of freedom, down from 91 percent in 2006, according to the Gallup survey, released Tuesday.
That 12 point drop pushes the US from among the highest in the world in terms of perceived freedom to 36th place, outside the top quartile of the 120 countries sampled, trailing Paraguay, Rwanda, and the autonomous region of Nagarno-Karabakh."
So much for the land of the free.

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