Thursday, April 17, 2014

Police State

One difference between the Nevada standoff and Branch Davidian massacre.
"When Bundy’s one (adult) son got Tasered and his aunt got knocked down, the footage further fueled the righteous rage of the militia and Tea Party supporters who came in to support the family. During Waco, the Davidians’ film from inside Mt. Carmel was never released to the media for fear of humanizing the group too much. The press was kept more than a mile away from the Davidians during the standoff, meaning they had to depend almost entirely on the FBI’s spin to gather information. And though the footage of the Bradley Fighting Vehicles busting down walls and pumping CS gas into a building that contained more than 20 children was chilling, it was still distant enough not to unsettle certain folks more afraid of cults than of feds. As was the fire. Before, during, and after Waco, the feds controlled the story. This is no longer as easy to do. And it’s a great way to demand the government have patience – though admittedly they surely want to avoid another Waco for their own PR. "
But once smartphone makers "voluntarily" implement kill switch technology, the Feds can shut down all smartphones in an area without affecting their own communications, so they can once again control the story as they massacre Americans. I wouldn't be at all surprised if they already planned to shut down cell towers around the Bundy ranch and obtained different communication tools for themselves in their upcoming raid on the Bundy ranch.
"Reasonable people don’t do what Bundy has been doing. If there is any blood spilled in the next few weeks, you could blame him for refusing to back down. And you would be correct. Randy Weaver could have saved his wife and son if he had come in on firearm charges before his Ruby Ridge standoff began. And Koresh could have done the same for his followers had he surrendered before things spun out of control. Hopefully, the next group that makes a stand or doesn’t comply with orders will not have so many awkward religious beliefs. Maybe if you teach your children racist views, they deserve to get shot in the back by a US Marshal like Weaver’s son."
This is a poorly executed attempt at taking the opposite perspective.

This is why the government bought over a billion rounds of ammunition.

The government is keeping the names of its hired cattle rustlers secret.

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