Monday, February 17, 2014


Atlanta taxi companies want to use government to remove their competition.
"Well … you can rest assured that taxi companies and drivers don’t love Uber; not one little bit.  They’re losing customers.  Now rather than trying to clean up their act so that they can compete, they’re doing what so many businesses do in a situation like this.  They’re whining to the government.  Whah whah whah!  These people are providing a better product than we are, and they’re taking away our business.  We want you to stop them."
"Here’s the approach the taxi companies are using with their helpers in the legislature.  They’re saying that Uber, which is not a taxi company, doesn’t have to abide by the same regulations that they do.  Now there are two approaches the cab companies could take here.  One; they could ask the general assembly to loosen the regulations they operate under so that they can compete with Uber.  Two; they can ask the legislature to increase the regulations on Uber to prevent them from competing.  So guess which tactic the taxi company have chosen.  Sure .. no real guessing here.  They’ve done what so many other regulated companies do … ask for more regulations, not less, to drive out competition."
That's why government regulations exist.

Obama administration publishes a new regulation every three hours.

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