Friday, February 28, 2014


I don't understand these people who claim Obama hasn't passed his agenda because House Republicans have thwarted him. As far as I can tell, Republicans give him everything he wants. He wants the debt ceiling raised every year; Republicans raise it for him every year. He wants to increase spending every year; Republicans increase spending for him every year. He wants Obamacare; he gets Obamacare. He wants increases in food stamps; Republicans give him increases in food stamps. He wants amnesty; Republican leaders try to give him amnesty. He wants a $800 billion boondoggle stimulus giveaway to his supporters; he gets it. He wants to extend unemployment benefits; Republicans extend unemployment benefits. He wants to expand NSA spying on Americans; NSA expands spying on Americans. I can't think of any program he's advocated that he hasn't gotten. The people have shot down proposals that Obama didn't push, SOPA and PIPA come to mind, but nothing Obama has pushed for has failed except immigration reform, and Republican leaders will likely join Democrats and pass that soon.

AIPAC's influence is waning.

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