Wednesday, March 27, 2013


The local price of heroin has gone up. That means the supply will go up to respond to the demand.

Nan Whaley says safety and services are key to better neighborhoods.  As if a politician has any influence on either. And up is the opposite of down. How more vapid can she be? Of course everybody wants safety and security. The question is how best to supply. Clearly Whaley believes that millions in government dollars doesn't work. Of course not. The police state is about stealing money and protecting politicians, bureaucrats and plutocrats. Is Whaley was serious about safety and services, she'd advocate a private market in them.

Here's a nice example of how the system protects government crooks in a double standard compared to people who make an honest living:
"State prison officials have disciplined a guard at Lebanon Correctional Institution for failing to maintain proper rounds on the night an inmate committed suicide, then falsifying records to make it appear she acted properly."
Imagine if you did the same. Sorry. You would never do the same. In the non-government world, people do their jobs.

Mug shot of local politician recently sent to prison.

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