Friday, March 29, 2013


Obama plans to deport German family who came here because Germany makes homeschooling illegal.

How government schools, shrinks and government's drugs ruin children's lives.
"She was, while in elementary school, diagnosed as being ‘hyperactive’ , the syndrome that preceded A.D.D., I suppose. Children for thousands of years have been more prone to run around and play rather than sit still and be quiet, but once someone came up with a name for it, it became a disease."
Isn't that the truth. The first and most important lesson taught by government schools is to still still and silent in obedience to authority. It's also the worst lesson taught. Children who don't learn it are declared diseased and drugged into submission.
"I remember her being sent to psychiatrists and counselors and specialists. I remember her being put on Ritalin or ‘speed’ as it was called. It was explained to us that the ‘speed’ would slow her down and help her to focus. If that logic doesn’t qualify as witch-doctorism masquerading as science, I don’t know what does."
It would be funny if it didn't do so much damage.

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