Sunday, December 19, 2010

Free kibbles


Because of mandated renewable energy sources coming online in Oregon, customers will suffer significant price increases.

While Europe and much of North America freezes, Greenland and northeastern Canada are unseasonably warm.


A government-loving New York Times reporter (redundant, I know) proposes that the government outfit USPS trucks with all kinds of sensors so they can better monitor the American people and make the USPS relevant again. That's enough suggestions from the peanut gallery, thank you. This is a fresh idea in the same way government's victims are fresh meat.

Security expert calls the TSA a waste of time and money.
"There are two basic kinds of terrorists. The[re] are the sloppy planners, like the guy who crashed his plane into the Internal Revenue Service building in Austin. He’s going to be sloppy and stupid, and even pre-9/11 airplane security is going to catch him. The second is the well-planned, well-financed, and much rarer sort of plot. Do you really expect the T.S.A. screeners, who are busy confiscating water bottles and making people take off their belts — and now doing uncomfortable pat-downs — to stop them?"
That's pretty easy to understand.


I never had any problems with my Christmas tree stand.

I hope the cyber cat they put this brain in is about the size of a house cat, not a tiger.

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