Thursday, December 04, 2008

Free kibbles

Python 3 is released and it's not backwards compatible.

Google backed out of the advertising agreement with Yahoo because the government threatened an anti-trust lawsuit against them. The agreement would have given them an effective monopoly.

Israeli forces evict Hebron settlers by force.

Chrysler executive says that if taxpayers don't bailout the auto makers, the country will go into a depression. Where have I heard this before? Oh yeah, just a couple months ago when Bush, Paulson, Dodd, and Frank railroaded us into the last bailout. How's that bailout worked out for us so far? Every time government interferes further in the economy, the stock market plummets and the projections for the recession get deeper and longer. That's not a coincidence.

I've been pointing out that it seemed to me that Paulson was in cahoots with Dodd and Frank all along, every couple of months he'd show up in Congress and say the worst of the credit crisis was over, and now we find out that Paulson is actually in cahoots with Clinton's Treasury Sec. Rubin and Obama's Treasury Sec. Geithner. The Democrats created the housing crisis, blocked Republicans from fixing it (though Republicans certainly didn't try too hard), and they put a stealth Democrat working on behalf of other Democrats in the Treasury under Bush the Democrat. And now even though Geithner was part of the oversite team for Citi and promoted the subsequent $300 billion bailout for Citi, Obama rewards him by making him Sec. of Treasury. This is insane. We are being robbed blind, played for fools, and we just keep bending over and taking more.

British school cancels Christmas events in favor of Muslim holiday.

Obama appoints La Raza leader to White House staff. La Raza is the organization dedicated to taking southwestern US back for Mexico. Obama's giving them a powerful helping hand.

And international agreement to regulate the internet would be devastating to the internet. Government hates not having control of the internet, and the internet stands as a shining example of how much progress can be made when government doesn't have control of some aspect of our lives.

Calling how Democrats keep finding "lost" ballots that favor Al Franken in Minnesota "odd" is an understatement. It's corruption in an attempt to steal an election from the people. Ann Coulter compares this corrupt process to the corrupt process Democrats used to steal the gubanitorial election Washington in 2004. It's the same process they tried to steal the presidential election in Florida in 2000. They're perfecting it.

Updated list of Obama cabinet appointments.

After being savaged by liberals for his poll and documentary exposing how the media had grossly misinformed and uninformed liberal voters - liberals claimed McCain voters were just as poorly informed - analyst commissioned a second poll comparing McCain voters versus Obama voters. The results are devastating to the left. McCain voters were much better informed about government and the candidates than Obama voters. This shows that the mainstream media succeeded beyond all expectations at misinforming the public in order to get their chosen one elected. I've pointed out before that liberalism depends on misrepresentation of facts and reality to survive, and this poll proves it.

UK judge grants compensation to prisoners because prison officials made them go cold turkey after they were incarcerated. Give me a break.

Oil below $45.

John Stossel's politically incorrect guide to politics from before the election.

If Barney Frank thinks 2009 will be the best year for public policy since the New Deal, we're in a lot of trouble.

Cato explains that the Wall Street bailout is unconstitutional. A lot of good that does us now.

Well deserved tribute to Laura Bush.

Opposition parties in Canada unite to oust Canadian PM, even though his Conservative Party won 143 seats in Parliament a month ago compared to 77 for the Liberal Party, which came in second. This aristocrat's revolt is happen against the will of the people because the PM is keeping his campaign promise of no bailouts.

Walter Williams discusses Americans' overwhelming ignorance of our history and government. The numbers are truly frightening. You can take the quiz here.

George Will exposes Barack Obama for once again using vague terms about jobs so in the future he will be able to claim a success which by normal standards won't be any success at all.

Now that it's become public knowledge that Saddam Hussein had 550 tons of yellowcake, enough for 140 nuclear bombs, which Bush kept secret so that terrorists wouldn't attempt to steal it, do you think liberals will apologize for lying about him? Of course not. As bad as Bush's legacy is, the legacy of the Democrats who ripped the country apart during his administration for political gain is worse.

I'm happy to hear Putin doesn't want to build bases in Cuba or Venezuela, but the fact that he's even talking about it shows how badly we've mismanaged our interests in Central and South America.

Analysis shows conservatives abandoned Republicans at the polls because Republicans abandoned them with their big government ways and ran a big government candidate, providing Obama's margin of victory.

Thomas Jefferson's wife owned slaves that were her own family members including a half-sister that ended up being Jefferson's mistress.

While prohibition cut total alcohol consumption, it only did so with responsible drinkers. Alcohol related problems increased during prohibition, and we suffered from the black market. Sounds familiar.

Reason explains the causes of the financial meltdown.

Reason shows that the pendulum is swinging the other way in the gays rights debate, with gays wanting to use government force to make people accept homosexuality.

Piercing the Illusion
sounds like an interesting book on the federal income tax and the IRS.

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