Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Free kibbles

Comet may be from another star system.

GM threatens that if taxpayers don't loan it money, it will go down and take the country with it. Let GM declare bankruptcy so it can be reborn with a competitive business model.

Congressional bailout watchdog says the government has no coherent strategy to fix the economy. Gosh, ya think? Government can't fix the economy. Government needs to get out of the way so the people can fix the economy.

Democrat election officials magically find 200 ballots in Minnesota that put Al Frankin with 50 votes of winning. They should have found 251 ballots to insure they stole the election.

United Auto Workers consider concessions. The Democrats green lobby butting heads with auto workers. The greenies want more restrictions on cars. The auto workers want less. This is one of the reasons why Democrats have so much trouble governing - their constituencies are often at odds.

Why is a judge stopping the suspension of players by the NFL for taking a masking agent? On what grounds? Sports is a bizarre situation because leagues are effectively government sanctioned monopolies, but what happens in them sets precedents for every other business. It seems to me that the league should not be a monopoly. Teams should compete freely for players. But at the same time, scheduling games is collusion, and you can't get away from that without waiving the law against collusion - creating a monopoly. I need to study this issue more.

I don't even want contemplate the ramifications of talk powered cell phones.

Proving along with Obama's and liberals' embrace of Bill Ayers that no depth of depravity is too low for liberals to embrace, The Washington Post's online magazine Slate hires Eliot Spitzer to write bi-weekly column. Try finding Mark Foley in the Wall Street Journal.

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