Thursday, February 01, 2018

Health Care

Brits dying in corridors of socialized hospitals.

The CDC, vaccinations, and the deep state.
"The very mindset and disregard for human life that created the notorious Tuskegee experiment is alive and thriving in the bowels of the CDC."
No doubt.
"Robert Kennedy Jr, a watchdog expert in the corporatization of the medical establishment, has called the CDC “a cesspool of corruption” referring to its culture of dishonesty and its manufacturing junk science.  Unlike the FDA, which has a contract with the American public to assure warnings about health risks and contraindications of registered drugs and medical devices, the CDC has no such contract with the nation’s citizenry.  It holds no ethical standard and abides by no mandated rules of law. During a recent interview, Dr. Nancy Banks, a Harvard-trained OBGYN physician and former fellow of gynecological oncology at Sloan Kettering’s Cancer Center, stated the CDC should be viewed as foremost an intelligence agency. By whatever false propaganda means and strategy, its sole purpose is to promulgate the pharmaceutical industry’s agenda and more recently this agenda has been framed as national security embedded in the Deep State."
"To our peril, federal agencies take full advantage of the average American’s scientific illiteracy.  An important survey conducted by Michigan State University found that only 4% of American adults had an understanding about stem cells. Seventy percent could “not read or understand” the science section in the New York Times.  An earlier study funded by the US National Science Foundation noted that about half of Americans understood that the earth rotates once around the sun annually, 45% of people had an “acceptable” understanding of DNA, and only 22% knew what a molecule was.  Although scientific illiteracy is an enormous threat to a functioning democracy and an informed public, nevertheless it is a boon for the CDC and the vaccine industry. Manipulating this ignorance with a heavy dose of fear tactics, such as revealed through the CDC’s press model to guide the mainstream media’s role in increasing vaccine compliance, health officials have managed to successfully thwart many efforts to educate the public to evaluate the pros and cons of vaccination."
Fake science behind fake news.

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