Friday, June 16, 2017


Even the DDN recognizes the craft beer business is a boom.

May second best month on record for new businesses.

West Chester ax-throwing business.

Amazon buys Whole Foods for $13.7 billion. Shares were suspended.

While a supposedly lone leftist nut was shooting three rulers in Washington, rulers were crushing all of us via Fed and political policies.
"The American people are being brought to ruin by three institutions that are mortal threats to liberty and prosperity. To wit, the Federal Reserve, the military/industrial/surveillance complex and a sinecured Congress that is burying unborn generations in debt – even as it sanctimoniously presumes that it is doing god’s work by servicing the beltway racketeers who keep it perpetually in office." 
Great quote.
"On the latter score, it is worth reminding once again. An incumbent House member standing for reelection has a smaller chance of losing his seat than did a Politburo member during the heyday of the postwar Soviet Union."
Great observation. This article touches everything.
"As we will document further tomorrow, the first part of Yellen’s proclamation is a risible lie. There has been zero net gain in industrial production since September 2007; no net gain in breadwinners jobs since January 2001; and zero gains in real median family incomes since 1989."
Oh, boy.

We should name bubble and bust business cycles for the Fed Chairmen who create them.

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