Monday, July 04, 2016


Wave of bombings in Saudi Arabia. The US, Turks and Saudis all funded ISIS in Syria only to have it attack those countries and more.

Non-violent action by Americans against the British are overlooked when teaching the revolution.
"These are just some of the many nonviolent actions engaged in by Americans in their struggle for independence. Some scholars even go so far as to call the Revolutionary War, the “War of Reclamation,” for the revolution had already been won in the hearts, minds, homes, and practices of the people by the time the British Crown sought to reclaim the independent and self-governing colonies."
We knew that.

US rulers give guns to enemies.
"In the latest “we can’t find our weapons” saga, this time it’s the CIA’s turn to embarrassingly admit that a 2013 secret arms deal with our Middle East buddy Saudi Arabia that goes by the code name Timber Sycamore has gone awry the last three years. It seems that millions of dollars’ worth of lethal weapons that were supposed to end up in possession of those “moderate Syrian rebels,” you know the “good guy” terrorists fighting ISIS [and Assad] in Syria, were “misplaced” onto the black market by way of Jordanian intelligence officers in charge of delivering the goods who covertly support the Sunni Islamic State terrorists. In another episode of Fast and Furious Part Two, US supplied guns were once again used to kill Americans. Government officials this week admitted that those same missing weapons are believed to have been used last November to kill two Americans and three others at a police training facility in Amman, Jordan. It’s déjà vu all over again for the scandal-ridden Obama administration, reminiscent of ATF’s clandestine Fast and Furious operation’s infamously trafficking 2,000 guns to the Mexican drug cartel that later murdered an American Border Patrol agent and scores of innocent Mexican civilians."
This is by design.

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