Wednesday, October 14, 2015


Russia's success in Syria exposes US was faking war on ISIS.

Secret CIA training of al Qaeda-affiliated fighters in Syria exposed.

US policy in the Middle Easy belies the propaganda.
"We are told again and again, in both explicit and implicit ways, that we are locked in an existential struggle with Islamic extremists in that region and the rest of the world.
Assuming that this is, in fact, the case, a number of strategic emphases in that battle are – or at least should be – axiomatic.
The first would be a clear priority on attacking those places in the Islamic world where Islamic fundamentalism is most powerful and well financed.
The second would be to actively prop up those governments where the cultures of secularism, and from there, inter-group tolerance, are most highly developed."
But no.

The US government gave ISIS all those Toyotas.

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