Saturday, August 08, 2015

Foreign Policy

Hillary aide tells judge she will destroy all emails despite his order not to.
"The correspondence that has been produced verifies that the State Department itself has not been forthcoming with Judge Sullivan, with Congress, or with anyone else. Using her private server allowed Ms. Clinton to use an off-the-grid system for her entire tenure in the Department, and the State Department kept that startling fact a secret as long as possible. It is simply shocking that the State Department did not immediately inform Congress, the Court, and Judicial Watch that Ms. Clinton operated solely on a private email server and that the State Department did not have her records. It took months even to discover those crucial facts. And as Judge Emmet G. Sullivan bores toward the truth, more revelations continue to surface.
It is especially telling that there was no Inspector General at the State Department while Ms. Clinton led the department. That independent watchdog surely would have put a stop to such an illegal and unauthorized practice immediately. Obviously, that is why Ms. Clinton didn’t allow an Inspector General. As soon as the Inspector General had the opportunity to review her first 40 emails, he immediately identified classified or sensitive information that should never have been outside the State’s secure channels.
And despite the Obama administration’s countless claims that it knew nothing of her private account, the few emails already produced by Ms. Clinton, and by Clinton consigliere Sidney Blumenthal, themselves belie that—as does the address itself. When one writes an email to the address, one must know that it is not—and was the way she communicated with everyone in the administration and other branches of government. David Axelrod is only the first to be caught red-handed."

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