Monday, July 13, 2015


Claim that intelligence agencies warned Obama about ISIS and Obama remained silent can't be reconciled with overwhelming evidence the US supplied, trained and armed ISIS, practically creating it.
"Why would America allow the metastasis of the very terrorist force it was committed to cauterizing? America does whatever it wants. So, if it did not oppose ISIS, it’s because it did not want to oppose ISIS. And, if it did not want to oppose ISIS, it’s because, somehow, the ISIS advance was consistent with American interests in the region."

11.6 million refuges in Syria.

Much like the war on drugs, no matter how many terrorists they kill in drone attacks, terrorism gets worse.
"As it happens, almost 13 years later, there are just one or two little problems with this scenario of American techno-wizardry pummeling terrorism into the dust of history. One is that, despite the many individuals bumped off, the dust cloud of terrorism keeps on growing. Across much of the Greater Middle East and northern Africa, the drone assassination program continues to act like a recruitment poster for a bevy of terror outfits. In every country (with the possible exception of Somalia) where U.S. drone strikes have been repeatedly employed, the situation is far worse today than in 2001.  In the two countries where it all began, Afghanistan and Yemen, it’s significantly – in the case of Yemen, infinitely – worse." 
This is about the myth of the kingpin.

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