Sunday, June 07, 2015

Police State

Police are equal opportunity killers, killing people of all races, genders and ages including the elderly.

Spooks wrote the USA Freedom Act.
"Why did the National Security Agency (NSA) dispatch hundreds of agents to the US Congress to lobby for the USA FREEDOM Act if the legislation would, as many of the bill’s advocates in the Congress assert, greatly restrain the US government’s mass surveillance program? Judge Andrew Napolitano, the senior judicial analyst at Fox News, answers in a new video commentary that the NSA lobbied for the USA FREEDOM Act because the bill actually provides absolutely no “savings of civil liberties” and does not in any way change the “volume or nature” of the information the US government obtains via mass surveillance."
Just as designed.

The goal of NSA is total population control.

Bikers protest 170 arrests in Waco.

"Back of Radio" bullies drivers who drive to close, as if they didn't already know how close they were. This should make road rage skyrocket.

Internet users want privacy but feel powerless to get it.

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