Friday, June 05, 2015

Police State

Among other charges, man accused of obstruction of justice for clearing browser data.

Judge Napolitano exposes the fraud of supposed NSA reform.
"The NSA is a military entity that utilizes the services of military computer experts and agents, employs civilians, and hires companies that provide thousands of outside contractors. After nearly 14 years of spying on us – all authorized by a secret court whose judges cannot keep records of what they have ordered or discuss openly what they know – the NSA now has computers and computer personnel physically located in the main switching offices of all telecom and Internet service providers in the United States. It has 24/7 access to the content of everyone’s telephone calls, emails and text messages."
Can you say fascism?
"The data amassed thereby is so vast that the government cannot sift through it quickly or effectively enough to stop such notorious events as the Boston Marathon bombings, the Ft. Hood massacre and the attempted massacre last month outside of Dallas. The Justice Department acknowledged this last month when it revealed that all this spying has not succeeded in stopping any terrorist plots and has not aided any federal prosecutions of terrorism."
Of course not.

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