Wednesday, December 31, 2014


If you judge government departments by their stated goals, they are all dismal failures. Government failure across the board. Except for the Department of Justice.

A complementary, libertarian judgment of the state.
"The state happily exploits that source of confusion, posing as the ultimate protector of the lives, liberties, and property of its subjects. It misleads the public into getting the nature and function of the state precisely backwards; to believe that the state only taxes so it can protect, when in reality only (ineptly) protects so it can tax. This is the chief myth that the state propagates to cover up its criminality."
The pseudo-services.
"So myth-propagation is a vital prop for the state. That is why, as Rothbardtaught, potentates have always partnered with intellectuals, like priests, academics, journalists, and schoolteachers to brainwash and bamboozle the public into seeing the state as legitimate."
This is why the myth of legitimacy is crucial.

California firefighters suspended for alleged sex tape on firetruck. If they don't have the tape, what were the other offenses?

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