Thursday, November 06, 2014


US airstrikes target al Qaeda affiliate Khorasan group in Syria.

After getting trounced in the election, Obama suddenly calls for Congress authorize the war he's already waging on ISIS.
"After insisting for months that he has all the authority he needs to launch the airstrikes already under way against the radical Sunni group, Obama reversed course and called for a new authorization for the use of military force a day after his party lost control of the Senate. "
What a freak. This is just his latest ploy to divide people. Obama hates Americans. I hope everybody who voted for him admits their mistake and promises to never vote again.
"Jeffrey said the decision to seek an authorization now -- after saying for months it’s not needed -- only weakens the hand of a president whose credibility on foreign policy matters has been undermined. "
He doesn't care. He hasn't been weakened. His powers are exactly the same as they were before.
"“The whole world thinks he wants to wimp out of war,” Jeffrey said. “It’s another indication that he doesn’t want to own this,” he said of the battle against Islamic State. “If you don’t want to own this, you’ve lost.” "
This is true.

It was easy to predict ISIS would stall, and they have. Nobody wants them as rulers.

Obama slammed for writing secret letter to Iranian Supreme Leader Khamenei. The US Supreme narcissist thinks a secret letter from him will magically take care of everything.

Afghan troops suffer unsustainable casualty rates against Taliban.

Despite the cover-up, more evidence leaks supporting claim that Ukrainian fighter jets shot down Malaysian Airlines jet over Ukraine.
"The BBC had previously posted to their website on 23 July 2014, just six days after the event itself, a news report in Russian via their Russian service, about the downing, but they quickly removed it without explanation. Fortunately, however, some Russian-speakers had managed to download it before it was yanked; and one of those downloads is still up at youtube, having been posted there on July 28th, with English subscripts, and with the headline, “UKRAINE Eyewitness Confirm Military Jet Flew Besides MH17 Airliner: BBC Censors Video 25Jul2014”. (Actually, there were several witnesses interviewed there, not just one “Eyewitness.”) Furthermore, Global Research posted on September 10th a transcript of it, headlining, “Deleted BBC Report. ‘Ukrainian Fighter Jet Shot Down MHI7’, Donetsk Eyewitnesses.” So, this valuable eyewitness-testimony to the event is available despite Western ‘news’ media (or propaganda-media), and the reason for the news-suppression is clear from anyone who views that BBC report, which presents several eyewitnesses, all of whom were interviewed separately as individuals, not as a group, and yet all of whose testimonies report having observed the very same basic narrative, of at least one military jet rising toward the airliner just before it came down."
That's part of the cover-up.

A new justification for the war on terror is wars started to prevent other wars.

SEALs bicker over claim to have killed bin Laden.

Military losing tech edge over China.

More on Pentagon cover-up of chemical weapons exposure of US troops in Iraq.

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