Wednesday, November 05, 2014


Widespread voting machine problems.

This is exactly what's going to happen.
"After Bill Clinton had been in office for two years, the Republicans gained control of both the House and the Senate. This was the revolution that wasn’t. Then they spent the next six years making excuses for their actions while complaining that they needed a Republican president so they could really do something. Then they got one: George W. Bush in 2000. And we know what happened then. The Republicans went on a spending spree, passed their own version of health care reform, and started two wars. Now that Republicans have gained control of the Senate and retained control of the House, all we will hear for the next two years is excuses for their actions while they complain that they need a Republican president so they can really do something. God help us if Republicans hold on to the Congress and we get another Republican president in 2016."
This is what we have to look forward to.

This is exactly what will happen too. 
"They will continue to spend, spend, spend, bomb, bomb, bomb, tax, tax, tax, and regulate, regulate, regulate."

Hillary Clinton was a big-time loser yesterday, but now she gets to run against the Republican Congress.

Gun control candidates crushed.

Democrats wiped out back to pre-Great Depression levels. I predicted Obama would do that  to Democrats.

Women finally abandoned Democrats.

People didn't vote for Republicans. They voted against Democrats.
"The new majority leader is likely to be Mitch McConnell, who is about as popular as Harry Reid. The Republican Party that will take power is less well-regarded than the Democratic Party losing it."
"It is a referendum on Barack, and he is losing it. But it is not a vote of affirmation. It is not a vote of confidence in the party of McConnell and John Boehner. And it is no mandate.
It is America’s choice between undesirables.
America is saying: We do not like either of you. But we cannot keep going the way we have been going. We have to change. And the Republican Party is the only one on the ballot that appears to offer that."
It offers no such thing. It offers only more of the same.
"When the returns come in, the mainstream media will declare that the country wants the Republican Party to work with President Obama to end the gridlock. Nonsense. If that is what America wanted, the country would have voted Democratic.
A Nancy Pelosi House and Reid-led Senate, with Obama in the Oval Office, would bring an instant end to gridlock. But instead of voting for a Congress to help Obama end gridlock, it will vote to augment the forces of those who have promised to checkmate him.
The country, in short, will vote today — for gridlock."
"The American people are today a deeply divided people — on ideology, politics, faith, morality, race, culture. Americans today — and not for the first time — do not really like each other."
There's nothing mysterious about why this is. Because of its coercive nature. government divides people into winners and losers on every issue.

The first, black Republican congresswoman and the first black Republican senator from the south since reconstruction hit the Democrats where it hurts.

Republicans were elected to stop Obama, not work with him, but they will work with him anyway.

Unrestrained Obama is dangerous.
"Already, he has demonstrated again and again that he has no regard for the constitution or the legitimacy of laws when they do not suit his agenda. He flaunts his disregard for the constitutional process, dismisses laws he doesn’t like and rewrites others.
He mocks the powers of Congress. The Supreme Court has slapped him down more than any president in recent times. All of this as he tells us he is an expert on constitutional law.
Now come his very explicit threats to pass more illegal and unconstitutional presidential edicts to grant amnesty to illegal aliens already in the United States. This, in turn, will issue invitations for millions more illegals to come streaming across the border.
It will not end at immigration. Unchecked power is addictive."
He might go nuts, or show nuts he is.

Both Boehner and McConnell are from greater Cincinnati.

Polls were way off, some by double digits. 
"The election returns were, to all appearances, a bit of a stunner to those in the business of predicting outcomes. Nowhere was that more obvious than in the state of Virginia, where in the weeks leading up to Nov. 4, incumbent Sen. Mark Warner was enjoying polls that gave him with a double-digit lead over challenger Ed Gillespie."
That's because they're all biased in favor of Democrats.

Former East German communists return to power in German state.

Rulers seek to rule, and that means a certains kinds of people, psychopaths and sociopaths, want to become a ruler.
"Rulers seek to rule. Ruling is not a side issue; it is not a by-product. It is their very purpose. It is the reason they ran for elected office.
But then, why do better, less-obsessed people not run? Well, they occasionally do, mostly at the lower levels of public office, where they soon find that politics is a nasty business and that their fellow office-holders detest them for their integrity. In effect, they find themselves isolated, much like New York policeman Frank Serpico—a lamb amongst vipers. In such an environment, it’s unlikely that a “good guy” will last long.
There arises the occasional Ron Paul, a beacon in the night, but the Ron Pauls are rare and even more rarely attain high office. Instead, those who are most likely to pursue public office and most likely to remain there are those that most desire to rule.
So, if we follow this reasoning along, who within a given society does most want to rule? Well, clearly, those who are the most obsessive in their desire to control others. Even more so if they possess this desire to a pathological degree.
In a small jurisdiction, this is less pronounced, because there are fewer people to run for office. The larger the country, the greater the likelihood that those who are pathological will not only come forward, but will do whatever it takes to succeed. Their odds of initial and continued success are therefore far greater than those of the “good” candidates."

Civilization must precede the state.
"It was civilization that made the state possible, and not vice versa. Indeed, it is necessarily true that civilization is, as Murray Rothbard put it, “anterior to the State,” since, “production must always precede predation.” More specifically, the massive, dead-weight millstone that is a state can only be borne by production levels that only a division-of-labor civilization is capable of. The parasitic state could never have come into existence without the prior existence of a civilized, productive host society to sustain it."
There you go.

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