Monday, November 17, 2014


Republicans continue to slam Obamacare for specific policies they supported before Obamacare.
"Troy’s column does not mention that the Cadillac tax — or, usually, even more stringent versions of it — have been a mainstay of Republican health-care plans as well. As a presidential candidate in 2008, John McCain proposed not merely to cap the employer health-care deduction but to eliminate it entirely. (Obama attacked his plan as a tax hike.)
Troy’s op-ed also fails to mention that he himself used to oppose the tax break for employer-sponsored health insurance. In a 2007 speech, he explained that Bush proposed to cap the health-insurance tax deduction to exclude the more expensive plans:"
Pure politics.

Obama is lying about how important Gruber was to Obamacare and how well he knew him.
"President Obama on Sunday called Jonathan Gruber “some adviser who never worked on our staff.” Obama told Chief White House Correspondent Ed Henry that he had “just heard about” the multiple times Gruber was caught on camera bragging about helping the White House exploit “the stupidity of the American voter” to pass the health law. But that sure doesn’t gibe with new details about the time when Obama summoned Gruber to the Oval Office for an emergency meeting with a handful of top advisers to salvage passage of ObamaCare amid a 2009 breakdown in the Democrat-controlled Congress. Given the president’s hugely crummy reputation for being forthcoming about his signature law, it seems that blowing off questions about what appears to be evidence of an intentional lie in the crafting of the law would be a bad idea."
He's a pathological liar. I was going to call him a sociopathic liar, and now Rush Limbaugh did that. I think that more accurate. Clinton was a pathological liar. He'd lie about everything whether it was in his interest or not. Obama lies to benefit himself, and he doesn't care if the lies are obvious on their face.

Obama and insurance companies are partners in crime.
"But since the Affordable Care Act was enacted in 2010, the relationship between the Obama administration and insurers has evolved into a powerful, mutually beneficial partnership that has been a boon to the nation’s largest private health plans and led to a profitable surge in their Medicaid enrollment."
What a surprise.

Female bishops approved for Church of England.

Praise for Lao-tzu, the father of Taoism, as the first libertarian intellectual.
"Just as there will always be those who will stop at nothing in seeking to control others, the great majority of people will always respond like Pavlov’s dogs to the empty promise of greater security, in trade for diminished freedom. Even a country that begins with a people determined to control their own lives and create their own destiny will, over generations, succumb to the empty promises. The deterioration may take one hundred years, two hundred years, or even longer, but historically, every culture eventually gives way, bit by bit, to the empty promises and becomes completely dominated. In the end, each country collapses in economic ruin—the people having lost the desire to produce, as the leaders have bled them dry."
So far.
"This being the case, anyone who is inspired to believe in the libertarian principle has two choices if he lives in a country that is in the final, most oppressive stages: he can either remain there, swimming against an overwhelming tide, or he can vote with his feet. He can seek out other locations—those that are in the early stages of development, where the residents think as he does, where he is not a threat to “the system” but, by being a libertarian, is actually swimming with the tide."
Good strategy.

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