Monday, June 23, 2014


Tech leaders push for amnesty.
"Is it because they will be able to get more visas for high-tech workers, which when combined with the outsourcing of American jobs will ensure that they don't have to hire higher-cost and more demanding American workers?
Or is it because the Obama administration is bribing them to support amnesty for 11 million people by promising them more visas for high-tech workers while at the same time threatening them with more regulations, more investigations, and more IRS scrutiny unless they get behind amnesty?"
That's possibly why.

Link between immigration reform and lies about about STEM worker shortage. This article says illegal immigrants can code.

Feds order border patrol to stand down during flood of illegal immigrants and the media is banned from covering the story.
"And while Americans are routinely violated – and abused – at TSA checkpoints in the name of “safety,” illegal immigrants on the other hand are roaming past America’s border with complete impunity and are given better treatment by the government."
No kidding.

Of course illegal immigrants won't show up for their hearings.
"after you travel thousands of miles, you pay of dollars, went through a very difficult situation, you get over here and they tell you to appear in 90 days, I would say the vast majority are not going to show up."

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