Sunday, March 16, 2014


Permanent warfare state rules the US.

Report that 300 Blackwater mercenaries have been deployed to pro-Russian city in eastern Ukraine.
"Since the videos emerged, Twitter has been alive with speculation that mercenaries linked to Blackwater, now known as Academi, are active in Ukraine, helping to prop up the embattled new pro-western government."
"He added: ‘Of course the other possibility is it's all Russian propaganda.’
Any suggestion that a U.S. mercenary outfit like Academi had begun operating in the country could give Russian president Vladimir Putin the pretext for a military invasion. "
As usual, we know nothing.

Demographics show Russia and Ukraine are in decline, so leave them alone.

With 79 percent turnout, 93 percent of Crimeans vote to secede from Ukraine and rejoin Russia. Hooray for secession. That's a real majority unlike any election in the US.

Obama rejects real democracy in action in Crimea. Russia Times highlights US hypocrisy.

Putin's economic advisor says Russia should use currencies besides the dollar.

I'm skeptical of this claim that SEALs self-indulgently put over 100 bullets in Osama bin Laden. I'm not skeptical about the self-indulgence. I'm skeptical they killed him at all.

The is not about to promote peace in Venezuela. Didn't this guy notice Ukraine?

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