Saturday, January 19, 2013

Global Warming and Energy

Regarding a climate forecast bet between a scientist and Al Gore.
"Having spent five decades studying the science of forecasting, Armstrong decided to examine the basis for the forecasts of global warming. He was unable to find a single scientific forecast to support the claim that the Earth was becoming dangerously warmer or colder. Instead, he found that some scientists were using improper forecasting methods to make forecasts."
Pseudo-science at best. More like outright fraud.

EU carbon market sets record low then keeps crashing.

Not too long ago I wondered why skeptical allow allow Hansen to modify NASA GISS data to make the past appear cooler and the present warmer. I specifically mentioned 1934 and the 1930s in general. Apparently somebody at wattsupwiththat took my comment to heart and documented Hansen's corruption of the data by comparing GISS data from 2008 and 2013. Needless to say, Hansen modified the data to make the past look cooler the present look warmer.
That's fraud.

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