Thursday, July 10, 2008

Free kibbles

Here's another example of the dangers of letting government control our schools. Louisiana passes law to teach intelligent design in science class. We have liberal socialists destroying our schools on the one side and conservative socialists destroying them on the other.

Much like Europeans, Congress doesn't want war powers. They want to sit on the sidelines and criticize. They want to be backseat drivers. They don't want to be held responsible. They prefer to be free to stick their fingers in the wind and say whatever is politically expedient at the time. That's the nature of aristocrats. That's what's good for them and bad for us.

Kennedy showed up in the Senate to vote to increase the entitlements that already have us $54 trillion in debt. Thanks for damaging America again, Kennedy.

Turkish PM visits Iraq. The Arab countries are starting to re-establish ties with Iraq. Security firms lose immunity to Iraq law under new security deal with US. This is going to cause trouble, but it makes sense. The US should protect its own diplomats, not contract that out.

Top McCain adviser Phil Gramm calls America a nation of whiners and the economy a mental recession. That'll win over a lot of voters. No wonder Gramm didn't win the nomination when he ran. I guess sensing that America is on the decline and our days our numbered because of uncontrolled government debt that we can never pay off makes us whiners.

Obama's large number of regrets show he has poor judgment.

Mickey Kaus points out Obama's condescending, know it all, lecturing style. Liberals love that style.

Swastika is top search trend at Google. Yikes.

Can feminists trivialize society any more? Bowing to feminists, Atlanta is replacing "Men at work" signs with "workers ahead" signs. Did anybody other than a radical feminist think that was sexist? Who was hurt by it? Why not just agree that all new signs will say "workers ahead"? It's a waste of taxdollars to appease some militant radical.

How sweet is it that Mexican taxpayers subsidize gasoline so Americans who live near the border can buy it at half price? I bet those subsidies dry up real fast.

Who is Congress to tell businesses like oil companies how to invest their profits?

The culture war with Muslims may come to a head over their dislike of dogs. Westerners will appease Muslims in about every other way, but not when it comes to their dogs.

The International Energy Agency says supply and demand, not speculation is the main driver of oil prices. Naturally. Speculators follow supply and demand. They don't buck it.

The WSJ analyzes Obama's tax plan, which would raise taxes higher than France.

A 71 year old retired Marine shot 2 armed armed robbers robbing a Subway. Good for him.

The global warming scam is causing insurance companies to raise rates. Why not? Why should Al Gore get all the money. But the people are the ultimate losers in this scam. Now that Marxists posing as environmentalists have saved the polar bears, they're painting penguins as victims of global warming.

Because government is in charge, rebuilding at ground zero won't happen for a long time, and the price will be much higher than originally expected.

To whom is Obama losing votes because of his support for FISA?

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