Thursday, August 31, 2017

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Health Care

Plutocrats want to keep anti-aging solutions expensive and exclusive.

Government is at the root of the four causes of the opioid epidemic.

Saturday, August 26, 2017


Category 4 hurricane Harvey ends longest US major hurricane drought at 4324 days.

Police State

Tasers are far more deadly than advertised.


VW engineer sentenced to 40 months in prison for making cars better than regulators allow.


I don't want software in my car because software is a maintenance nightmare. Soon a buggy update will brick cars.

Monday, August 21, 2017


NASA's plan to prevent Yellowstone supervolcano eruption could set it off.

Police State

AG Jeff Sessions wants to steal your property.


Leftist vandals deface 225-year-old Columbus monument in Baltimore protesting "the initial invasion of European capitalism."

Sunday, August 20, 2017


Writer claims eclipse is racist.

Despite what the media wants us to believe, the RNC is raising millions more than the DNC. Leftists are crippling Democrats. Republicans are crippling themselves.


A global fish war is coming unless we privatize fisheries.


Laptops in classrooms program fails to raise test scores. It probably lowered them.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Health Care

Opioids are the number one killer of people under 50.

Forbes fires writer who allowed Monsanto to ghostwrite articles about itself.


Evidence Charlottesville was a setup.
"The "founder" of Unite The Right, Jason Kessler,  was an activist with Occupy Wall Street and Obama supporter. He sees himself as a professional provocateur. What if he was a ringer, a phony who revels in riling up some crazy people for some political purpose?  We know the left is skilled in all manner of dirty tricks.  That sort of thing was Robert Creamer's job for the Hillary campaign, hiring thugs to incite violence that could then be blamed on Trump supporters.  Think of Ferguson, Baltimore, Berkeley, etc.  Antifa and BLM are every bit as fascist as any of the supremacist groups; they are more violent and there are more of them.  Why is the left so afraid to admit this fact?  Even Peter Beinart did in the Atlantic, written before last Saturday."
"The supremacist groups had a permit; they had applied months earlier.  The Antifa and Black Lives Matter groups did not have a permit.  The local police at some point, on whose order we do not know, turned the pro-statue groups toward the Antifa and BLM groups, many of whom were armed with lethal weapons - soda cans filled with cement, bottles filled with urine, baseball bats and boards with screws protruding to do maximum harm, and improvised flamethrowers.  These are the people who initiated the violence.  How was this not a planned melee?  Pit groups of demented racists  -- all of them on both sides are certainly that -- against each other and violence is sure to occur.  (Certainly, there were decent people among the protestors and counter-protesters who had no affiliation with the supremacist groups or Antifa or BLM. Heather Heyer was among them.)"
The playbook leftist provocateurs follow to incite violence.

Snopes presents case Kessler really did change his views. I'm skeptical.

More about Charlottesville.
"That was accomplished by militant protesters on both sides of the debate who arrived at what should have been a nonviolent protest armed with sticks and guns, bleach bottles, balloons filled with feces and urine and improvised flamethrowers, and by the law enforcement agencies who stood by and allowed it."
It's suspicious that the police allowed those weapons.
"The flaws and dangers in this anti-free-speech mindset are manifest, but nonetheless always worth highlighting, especially when horrific violence causes people to want to abridge civil liberties in the name of stopping it. In sum, purporting to oppose fascism by allowing the state to ban views it opposes is like purporting to oppose human rights abuses by mandating the torture of all prisoners. One of the defining attributes of fascism is forcible suppression of views… You can’t fight that ideology by employing and championing one of its defining traits: viewpoint-based state censorship…"
"As a Rolling Stone reporter recounted, “Unlike other events I’ve covered where anti-fascist protesters face off with white supremacists, the police make no effort to cordon the two groups off from each other to prevent violent clashes before they happen.”"


US to stay in Syria for decades.

The truth about terrorism and false flags.
"Most terrorists are false flag terrorists, or are created by our own security services. In the United States, every single terrorist incident we have had has been a false flag, or has been an informant pushed on by the FBI. In fact, we now have citizens taking out restraining orders against FBI informants that are trying to incite terrorism. We’ve become a lunatic asylum."

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Saturday, August 12, 2017


The US needs to get out of Korea before Kim develops a working ICBM.

Kim's development of an ICBM might save us from a war in Korea.

Kim learned the lessons from Iraq and Libya.

Good reminder that US spies lie to provoke war.
"“North Korea has successfully produced a miniaturized nuclear warhead that can fit inside its missiles, according to a confidential July assessment from the Defense Intelligence Agency…”
I do not believe this. Why believe a one-sentence conclusion that’s leaked to the Washington Post? The Post is a CIA vehicle. Why believe some unknown intelligence source with no other information to back it up? Why believe this when such leaks are used to manipulate public opinion at critical junctures? If such important information is for real, why would it be made public via a leak? Why not come out in the open? Why not inform members of Congress and have them release it? Come out of the shadows and speak like a man."
But if true, that's a great reason not to go to war.


The stock market is crazy.
"hese dangers start with the market’s demented internals—such as Amazon at 187X earnings, Netflix at 219X or Tesla valued at $62 billion. And the latter is after the company racked-up an unbroken string of cumulative losses which total $3.6 billion over the last decade, and with no profits visible anywhere on the horizon, either.
What is visible, by contrast, is the sheer mania in the capital markets which have fed its cash burning machine with more than $10 billion of capital—-including last night’s announcement that Tesla will issue $1.5 billion of junk bonds to fund the launch of its Model 3 “people’s car”."
But Musk is government's golden boy.

Federal Reserve

Bank of England caught in a 100 year old lie.

Police State

Police are subject to different laws than the rest of us.
"By shielding police from charges of grave misconduct while prosecuting otherwise law-abiding Americans for the most trivial “offenses,” the government has created a world in which there are two sets of laws: one set for the government and its gun-toting agents, and another set for you and me."


Government report admits ground-based temperature data is inaccurate.

Glaciers are growing.


New York demands pet sitters pay for licenses.

Airbags kill, but government forced car makers to use them anyway.

Musk again calls to regulate AI.


Netanyahu is under investigation in Israel.

The politicization of hiring women in high tech.

The story about Debbie Wasserman Schultz's corrupt IT guys has disappeared.

Health Care

Canadians eating GM salmon.

Police State

Supposed Russian hackers used NSA code. Maybe they were NSA hackers posing as Russians.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Tuesday, August 08, 2017


South Korea's spy agency admits rigging 2012 election in favor of their preferred candidate.

Venezuelan election turnout corrupted.

Scientists back claims made in Google diversity memo that got author fired.

Tax and Spend

It will take more than $100 billion to bail out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac again.


The anti-Federalists were right. I guess that needs to be said.


DIA report claims North Korea can now put a nuke on top of a missile giving it a real nuclear deterrent. This is what US aggression has wrought.

Bomber kills two Americans in Afghanistan.

US to bomb ISIS in the Philippines. Escalate another war. CIA plots to overthrow Duterte.

Sunday, August 06, 2017

Tax and Spend

Taxpayers pay for boy to change sex three times.


Obama's Attorney General Loretta Lynch used an alias to communicate with DOJ bureaucrats.

California has 11 counties with more registered voters than voting-age citizens.

New York Times and Washington Post reporters wanted to cover up Clinton's meeting with Lynch on the tarmac.

Health Care

People should be able to make their own drugs.

Saturday, August 05, 2017

Foreign Policy

Americans have no enemies. Our government has created enemies for itself.


While Hillary Clinton remains free, a Volkswagon executive faces jail time because Volkswagon tried to benefit consumers.

Federal Reserve

WoW in-game money worth more than Venezuelan money. What a great lesson in subjective value.


Woopdeedo. FBI supposedly tracked fake news stories from Russia on election day. So what? A supposedly salacious headline has no substance.

Health Care

This article is a bunch of crap. Cronyism is why we don't have male birth control.

Wednesday, August 02, 2017


Australian scientists caught corrupting temperature data. More.

The US can't produce nuclear fuel.


Chicken wings suffer price inflation.

Police State

NSA illegally spied on Kim.Com. I'm shocked.

Amazon Echo and all those voice assistants are covert listening devices. That hackers, especially government spies, can access them is a given.


Shall we fight them all? Pat Buchanan hits this one out of the park.

Trump's wars.


Plans for the Arcade.

Dayton cops staged traffic stop.

Video of staged traffic stop.