How to
resist Big Ag's control of seeds and the food supply.
Instead of promoting inexpensive healthy lifestyles, US pushes super-expensive
man-made DNA test treatments. That's what patents have done to medicine.
The US Ebola treatment centers
were a waste as predicted.
"But after spending hundreds of millions of dollars and deploying nearly 3,000 troops to build
treatment centers, the United States ended up creating facilities that
have largely sat empty: Only 28 Ebola patients have been treated at the
11 treatment units built by the United States military, American
officials now say.
Nine centers have never had a single Ebola patient.
task was to convince the international organizations, ‘You don’t need
any more E.T.U.s,’ ” said Dr. Hans Rosling, a Swedish public health
expert who advised
Liberia’s health ministry, referring to Ebola treatment units.
“I warned them, ‘The only thing you’ll show is an empty E.T.U.,’ ” he added. “ ‘Don’t do it.’ ”
The American response, it turns out, was outpaced by the fast-moving and unpredictable disease."
That's just what you would expect from socialism.
Statins, Big Pharma's most profitable class of drug,
worsens coronary calcium, associated with heart attacks.
Fearing people's concern for healthy diets, the establishment labels that
concern an eating disorder.