Friday, May 09, 2008

Free kibbles

Philadelphia has pulled 7 more police off-duty for severely beating 3 men, bringing the total to 13 removed of 15 police offers present. Advocates say their emotions were running high because the men had just shot at others, but that's no excuse. That's why you apprehend them, not beat them.

Oil tops $126 per barrel.

US reports that the man captured by Iraqi forces is not the head of al Qaeda in Iraq. Too bad.

Hezbollah has taken control of west Beirut. There's exactly one way to solve this problem - defeat Hezbollah. There is no co-existing with Hezbollah or Hamas. They must be defeated. Why has the world lost the will to defeat murderers and thugs?

Report claims Zimbabwean militias will rig run-off election in favor of Mugabe. Good thing those Chinese weapons weren't delivered, but I imagine the militias are armed well enough to rig the election.

Israel has enough problems with Hamas, Hezbollah, Syria and Iran. It doesn't need to deal with a corruption scandal too.

Russia parades nuclear weapons across Red Square in show of military force. Nuclear missiles? I guess this is intended to let the Russian people know that Medvedev is a strong leader.

Jr. high kids suspended for sitting during Pledge of Allegiance. If the rules say students have to stand, they have to stand. As long as they aren't forced to recite the Pledge.

Congressman proposes new net neutrality bill. This isn't a problem. Leave the web alone.

Obama takes lead in superdelegate race too. I think Clinton is hanging on trying to force Obama to choose her as VP.

Papers confirm that McCain did not vote for Bush in 2000.

If Burma continues to hold up aid, death toll could reach 500,000. Government seizes supplies intended for victims.

Microsoft found a new way to get users to migrate from XP to Vista - Windows XP SP3 is making computers unusable.

Entrepreneur offers personal sugar-ethanol producing device for filling up your tank.

2nd life restricts its free market by implementing an anti-advertising policy designed to keep residents from trashing the property values of their neighbors by blocking their views. That's necessary because trashing their property value doesn't negatively affect their own property value like it would in the real world.

The head of the office of the special counsel is under investigation himself.

Journalist admits he was wrong about specific criticisms of the military. That's rare.

Utah rules out Texas-style raid on polygamists. This isn't necessarily appeasement (though it may turn out that way). Authorities need a thoughtful, legal approach to dealing with these king of cults, instead of using just dumb force and taking hundreds of children from their parents without any evidence of abuse of individual children.

National Geographic picture of Chilean volcano. Just a reminder of how insignificant man is, and how minuscule our effect on the atmosphere is.

Hillary Clinton shows she's a lying dog, still trying to fool people into thinking she cares about them. She's using this open letter to Barack Obama attempts undermine him and prop her up by lying about her initial position on Florida and Michigan (she agreed those votes would not count). We've spent a lot of time beating up Obama for the people he associates with, but I doubt any of those people are worse human beings than the Clintons. They are the ultimate sleazes. Karma does not exist.

Michael Reagan thinks Michelle Obama is the stronger link to Rev. Wright's radicalism. She's loony-left liberal activist, and that's what we can expect from Barack.

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