Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Free kibbles

It takes 39 to 76 days for intelligence agencies to share terror info. This is absurd! We need to scrap all our intelligence dinosaurs and replace them with a new system designed from the
ground up to be small, efficient, effective, accountable, and prepared to meet the needs of today, not the Cold War.

Bernanke urges more government intervention into home markets to prevent foreclosures. Bernanke also liked FDR's New Deal, even though it mired us deeper and longer in depression. Don't listen to him. He's the guy driving oil to a new record high at $122. Cato blames the Fed 
(and government) for the mortgage problem, explaining that government forced lenders to make loans to people who couldn't afford houses, and says there's plenty of liquidity in the market, so the Fed should stop lowering rates.

Britain's massive investment in surveillance cameras has had no appreciable effect on crime.
They must need more cameras, right? I bet it's had a chilling affect on law-abiding citizens.

The Lebanese government takes small steps to limit and marginalize Hezbollah. It's about time. There will be no peace in Lebanon nor the Middle East until Hezbollah is disarmed.

How come the Palestinian Authority is only just now deploying security forces in the West Bank?

Al Jazeera journalist released from Guantanamo after 7 years. This guy may call Guantanamo
the worst prison in the world, but he seems just fine. A Dallas man was just freed thanks to the efforts of the Texas innocence project and the Dallas D.A. by DNA analysis after 27 years in
. There is no such thing as a perfect justice system or a perfect war. I think the US does a
far better job putting the right people in Guantanamo than we do putting Americans in prison.

Why are people criticizing Brazil for ethanol? Their ethanol is efficient and effective, it doesn't need subsidies, and its production is the result of free market forces, not poor government policy.

Only 17 Senate Republicans have donated to John McCain's campaign. That's what McCain gets
for being a Democrat. This jives with Arriana Huffington's assertion that John McCain did not
vote for George Bush in 2000
. The McCain campaign denies, but Huffington makes a great case that vehement denials of fact are normal for John McCain. I want some popcorn with this one.

McCain joins the other 2 Democrats by trying to get the illegal alien vote with a Spanish language website.

McCain's health care plan is way better than the other Democrats'. He will use the commerce clause to allow all programs to go national, which is a great thing. He also understands that the
3rd party payer system is responsible for skyrocketing costs (but he doesn't seem to recognize it also makes us less healthy), and subsidies make it worse, but he doesn't address that problem directly, unfortunately. Instead, he's going to allow every American access to health care with
pre-tax dollars to compete. This is better than nothing, but it's another big-government solution
to a big-government problem that doesn't address the actual problem - getting rid of the
subsidies for employer provided health care. Adopting the FairTax would fix the subsidy problem and the pre-tax problem since there would be no subsidies, no income tax and no tax
on savings. Cato reviews.

Psychologist thinks that Hillary is not a pathological liar - she's paranoid and delusional. Great. Speaking of delusional, Clinton says she's going to break up OPEC? What's she going to do, invade them all? Is she just pandering, or does she think she can do it?

The Clinton library won't release their copy of the documents the Clintons had Sandy Berger
steal and destroy to keep them from the 9/11 commission.

Barack Obama voted for every health care mandate before him in the Illinois Senate.

Why would anybody be surprised that breastfeeding increases IQ? It undoubtedly makes babies, healthier, bigger, stronger, faster, more intelligent, etc. It's natural. Natural selection has optimized the effects of breastfeeding since mammals started breastfeeding.

Using lasers to fix defects on computer chips.

Myanmar (Burma) death toll over 22,000, so far. Wow. Have you ever noticed how the places that take tremendous damage from predictable natural disasters always have totalitarian, socialist, communist governments and therefore have abject poverty? Have you noticed that's the direction this country is headed?

Yes, the Constitution protects unenumerated rights. It says so right in the Constitution. But abortion isn't a right - it's the intersection of the rights of the mother, the father, and the unborn baby.

US soldier accidentally phones home during firefight.

Yahoo stock holders pay 15% share price for spurning Microsoft. How did Google keep Yahoo 
out of Microsofts' hands

John Bolton says the US should strike Iranian training camps that train militants to kill
Americans in Iraq. We should have been prepared to do this since 2003. One of the great
lessons of Vietnam is that you can't allow the enemy a safe have across the border. Part and
parcel of waging war in a country is necessity to control its borders by threatening its neighbors
if they interfere.

Carbon footprints of hypocritical celebrities.

American parents drug their children at a rate 6 times greater than UK parents. It's way easier than actually raising them.

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