Thursday, March 21, 2013

Right to Keep and Bear Arms

New York undercover police arrest a veteran wounded in Iraq for selling a firearm and magazines that would have been legal to do a month ago.
"Cutting himself in for a portion of what he mistakenly believes to be glory, Joseph D’Amico, Commissar of the New York State Police, gloated that “our partnership with the Attorney General’s office has resulted in taking a dangerous criminal off the streets.”
Like most things that dribble down the tax-fattened chins of functionaries like D’Amico, that was a lie. Wassell has no criminal record, and although what he did violates the new gun law, it isn’t legitimately a crime, since it didn’t involve injury or fraud on his part. Indeed, the only fraud involved in that transaction was that perpetrated by officials in Schneiderman’s office and the New York State Police, who arranged the sale on false pretenses. If he had conducted those sales just days earlier, they would have been perfectly legal."
Not a criminal one day. A dangerous criminal the next. It's insanity.
"Wassell has been charged with three felonies and a misdemeanor – yet released on his own recognizance, an implicit acknowledgement of the fact that he is not an actual criminal."
They lie.
"The State of New York has established an anonymous tip line encouraging people to report suspected “illegal gun owners” for a $500 reward."
They're using stolen money to corrupt people into selling out others for this non-crime. This gets more evil by the minute.
"Every totalitarian police state requires the disarmament of its subjects, and encourages them to spy on each other. New York State isn’t North Korea, but it’s on the same trajectory."
And closing fast.

Claims that New York and  California are confiscating guns.

Man peacefully rejects police invasion. It doesn't get much more rare than that.

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