Sunday, August 21, 2011

Free kibbles


Lemonade protest at the Capitol.


Obama says voters should judge him on the economy in 2012. I guess that makes sense to say right now. Voters are going to do it anyway, and it works to his advantage to look positive. He'll be singing a different tune this time next year. It's absurd that we should judge government officials based on our economy. If they had no power to mess it up, we'd be far better off.

Paul Krugman wants world governments to steal a bunch more of our money through inflation and deficit spending to build weapons to fight space aliens. I kid you not. Krugman claims this will bring us prosperity. And you thought bridges to nowhere were a waste or resources. Our sinking economy has really exposed the lunacy of leftists.

The New York Times discovers the dollar store.


Ben Stein, claiming to give Rick Perry an economics lesson, supports the Fed printing money. Stein just showed himself to be a fool.


How the establishment's fight against the sun makes us unhealthy.


Kyoto agreement leads to corrupt reporting of greenhouse gas emissions. That's SOP for government. That means emissions are higher than reported, yet the planet is still not warming.

Economic decline is absolutely the real goal of many global warming frauds.
"He talks about federal policies that put the economy in a “graceful decline,” one that stimulates small-scale, organic farming and has more of a focus on activities in neighborhoods, towns and states than on national and international affairs. “We need to scale back, to go to ground,” he says in “Eaarth.”"
Most are smart enough not to tell the truth about their agenda.


Contrary to what Obama has been telling us, he's pressuring Iraqi government to allow him to keep US troops in Iraq. He's also planning to keep troops in Afghanistan until 2024. How's that antiwar president working out for you lefties?

Military intelligence officer supports Ron Paul. This is good to hear.

As rebels oust Qaddafi this headline says ...
"Surveillance and Coordination With NATO Aided Rebels"
Not to mention bombs and bullets from NATO forces.
"The officials also said that coordination between NATO and the rebels, and among the loosely organized rebel groups themselves, had become more sophisticated and lethal in recent weeks, even though NATO’s mandate has been merely to protect civilians, not to take sides in the conflict."
Let's remember what our government did when the new leaders in Libya turn out worse than Qaddafi.


Hamas murders some Israelis. The Israeli government kills some terrorists in response. Hamas calls for ceasefire. Repeat. We've seen it a million times. We'll see it a million more. What a waste.


Greta is the only mainstream talking head I've seen mention the cyber attack on Ron Paul's website during his money bomb.

To combat attacks on his age, Ron Paul challenges the other candidates to a bike race. I hope this tactic works, but I'm skeptical because the other candidates don't care about Paul's real capability, they're just attacking him for political reasons.

Karl Rove versus Rick Perry.
"Democrats now seem to have decided to portray him as crazier than that nice, centrist Mr Bush. The establishment media has eagerly followed suit. Speaking on PBS, the Washington Post’s Karen Tumultydeclared that while Bush’s conservatism was “born very much of hope and affirmation” while Perry’s was “born very much of anger”."
Suddenly Democrats like Rove.


BBC admits to being propagandists for the British/US government coup in Iran in 1953.

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