Monday, August 08, 2011

Benedict Boehner and the Tea Party Tools

Benedict Boehner and the Tea Party Tools
by Mark Luedtke

In my article on the top ten news stories of 2010, I wrote, “The fight for the heart and soul of the tea parties continues as the Republican establishment works to co-opt them.” This debt ceiling scam proves the outcome was never in doubt. Establishment propagandists from both factions of the ruling class claim the debt ceiling compromise was a victory for the tea party. They think we’re too dumb to see through the charade. Here are some of the lies they use to make their case.

Lie #1: The agreement cuts $900 billion in spending over ten years. Fact: Spending was not cut. Government spending will increase every year of those ten years. The plan claims to slow the rate of increase of spending by such a tiny amount that you can hardly see the difference on a graph. And this microscopic slow-down is not binding on future Congresses. This pseudo-cut will never happen.

Lie #2: There are no tax increases in the deal. Fact: There is no free lunch. All money spent by government must ultimately be paid for by taxes. This bill increased the debt limit by $2.4 trillion which means spending will increase the same. That means government has to steal an additional $2.4 trillion in taxes plus interest to pay for it.

Lie #3: This deal will have to be paid for by our children and grandchildren. Fact: We will pay for it in addition to future generations paying for it. Because the Fed will monetize most of this debt, the value of the dollar will fall, so we'll pay for it with higher prices. If private investors buy government debt, that wealth can't be invested in the private economy, so we’ll pay for it with a weaker economy. Because this bill steals $2.4 trillion of wealth - steel, rubber, equipment, computers, fabric, etc. - out of the productive, private sector economy and squanders it in the parasitic political economy, our economy will be further depressed, making us all poorer. That’s why the Dow collapsed after this deal was announced.

Additionally, the deal creates a super-congress of six Democrats and six Republicans to identify another $1.5 trillion in either pseudo-cuts that will never happen or higher taxes which will. Senior establishment fat-cats will decide how to steal our money without any pesky tea party representatives resisting leviathan government. The deal also empowers the president to raise the debt ceiling unilaterally next time unless a two-thirds vote of Congress overrides him.

You would think, given the antipathy directed at the tea party caucus, they must have voted against this deal en mass, right? Wrong. Only ten Republican freshmen voted against this bill. Frauds Eric Cantor and Paul Ryan voted for it. The tea party frauds are on the gravy train. Do you tea party voters feel like winners?

Talk radio hosts claim that Democrats hoodwinked Republicans again. Like John Boehner is a fool. Sorry, no. House Republicans had the power to stop runaway government spending cold and balance the budget, but they didn’t want to. Boehner agreed to this deal in early July. Obama made his silly demands about taxing private jets and oil companies to pander to his base and provide cover for his Republican partners. This allowed Republicans to say they held the line against taxes. At Obama’s request, Republicans raised the limit high enough to last past the 2012 elections. The phony animosity was political theater. Both parties are partners in a con game of divide, conquer and loot. As usual, they won, and we lost.

I have some questions for conservatives. How many times are you going to vote for Republicans only to have them stab you in the back before you admit they’re evil partners with Democrats? When are you going to recognize that the only reason government exists is to steal our money and enrich the ruling class? You fall for these crooks every election, they stab you in the back, then you vote for them the next election anyway. If you continue enabling them, they’ll steal ever more of our money with their Democrat partners.

All presidents build on the evil of their predecessor. The next Republican will be worse than Obama. Republicans will increase, not cut, spending. They will modify Obamacare to their advantage, not repeal it. They will betray you again, the same as always. Predicting this politics stuff is easy once you realize that the function of government is to loot the people and all politicians are partners in crime.

Please don’t think that Republicans who voted against this bill are good Republicans. The fix was in. The establishment didn’t need the votes of every Republican, so they allowed those in the certain districts to vote no. This is another part of the charade. Votes were calculated to advance the political interests of the establishment. If they had needed those votes to steal our money, those Republicans, like Mike Turner, would have towed the line.

Republicans just gave President Obama a $2.4 trillion birthday present. Is that what you voted for?

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