Monday, May 23, 2011

Free kibbles


Feds expected to mandate all cars have black boxes. That'll depress new car sales and push up demand for used cars.


I often refer to our government school system as communist education. It seems I'm not the only one.
"It’s time to admit that public education operates like a planned economy, a bureaucratic system in which everybody’s role is spelled out in advance and there are few incentives for innovation and productivity. It’s no surprise that our school system doesn’t improve: it more resembles the communist economy than our own market economy."
That from the head of a teacher's union.

College students sign petition to ban talk radio while confirming they support free speech. That's what government schools produce.


Medicare's chief actuary explains how Obama double counts revenues to make his claim that Obamacare doesn't add to the deficit.


Shell to build floating oil refinery that displaces six times more water than an aircraft carrier.
"The ship will be moored at the Prelude gas field for 25 years where it is expected to produce the equivalent of 110,000 barrels of oil in gas a day."
I wonder if this is a bubble indicator like the skyscraper index. The thing is, the demand for oil really is outstripping supply and this ship addresses that problem.


Evidence that somebody inside the bin Laden compound may been a mole for the US. If so, that mole should get the reward.


Obama must fear Chris Christie because he's digging up dirt on him. Hopefully somebody will dig up some dirt on Obama this time.

Quote from Paul Ryan:
"I don't consult polls to tell me what my principles are or what our policies should be. Leaders change the polls."
As much as I distrust this guy, every day he makes it worse. Why would he be celebrated for saying the American people are too dumb to know their own minds and it's up to guys like him to manipulate them into thinking the right way? This from a sycophant who voted for every big spending program Bush wanted. What a bunch of elitist hogwash.

I'm impressed with how shameless Obama is in declaring Ireland his ancestral home. I wonder how many people think of Obama when they think of Ireland. This weirdo will grasp at anything to promote himself. If he thought it would get him money or votes, he'd promote himself as an Eskimo. Like Paul Ryan, no matter how little I think of Obama, he constantly comes up ways to make me think less of him.


Japanese people are frustrated with the government's handling of the recovery from the tsunami. Central planning never works.

Identifying and resisting Marxist psychology.

More reports make this IMF chief sound like a monster.
"Strauss-Kahn also made passes at two separate female concierges during his 24-hour stay. When he checked in, he grabbed and massaged the hand of the concierge and invited her to his room. She declined. Later on that night, Strauss-Kahn called downstairs and invited a different female concierge up to his room. “Come upstairs, I’ve got a beautiful room, a great bottle of wine.” That employee also declined the Frenchman’s advances, sources said."
"Additionally, a room service employee cleared Strauss-Kahn’s room and found the room empty minutes before the maid entered. Investigators said they believe the man known as the “Great Seducer” may have intentionally hid from the room service employee, knowing that the maid would enter the room shortly after."
They're killing this guy in the press. But it may all be true.

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