Monday, May 09, 2011

Free kibbles


Here's more on the Maine town that declared food sovereignty from the federal government. As much as I love this, it's not going to end well. I see many armed and armored thugs in their future. More cities in Maine do the same. It would wonderful if this snowballed.


Despite trillions stolen from us by the Fed and the government, home values continue to fall. The American people are trying to fix the economy by correcting all the errors created by government, but government won't let us.


Fannie Mae wants another $8.5 billion from taxpayers.
"Including the latest request, the firm has taken about $100 billion from the U.S. government since it was seized in 2008, though it has also paid about $12.4 billion to taxpayers in interest."
More like $12.4 billion in Fed funny-money.
"[Including Freddie Mac] the two firms together have asked for about $164 billion, though their net payments have been reduced to about $140 billion as a result of the interest payments, including the latest request"
So Congress steals $164 billion out of our right pocket, and the Fed steals more out of our left pocket and gives it to these firms, and they pay back $24 billion stolen from our left pocket that will never go back in our right pocket, and we're supposed to be grateful.

Boortz reports, "It has now been 768 days since the Democratic-controlled Senate last passed a budget …" Yet the government hasn't shut down.


Cash for Clunkers has created a shortage of used cars. Shocker.


Democrats want to end tax breaks for Big Oil. If they succeed, that means gas prices will jump up further. It's important to watch the language they use: they call those tax breaks subsidies, but they're exactly the opposite of subsidies. Tax breaks allow an entity to keep its own money. Subsidies are money stolen from others then handed out an entity. I have a better idea. Let's give every American the same tax breaks and cut spending to match.

How government started a coal mine fire in 1962 that is still burning today.


Absolutely bizarre picture of a mother holding an infant while two TSA thugs grope it. I feel sorry for the people who believe this makes us safer.


Lots of people have argued that our mission in Afghanistan wasn't really about preventing terrorism. Lots of people have argued that Pakistan is the real terrorist safe haven. But attacking Pakistan is foolish. It just creates more potential and actual terrorists. They want to attack us because they're tired of our government attacking them for decades.

According to this article:
"Former CIA Director Michael Hayden has said that, as late as 2006, even with the growing success of other intelligence tools, fully half of the government's knowledge about the structure and activities of al Qaeda came from those interrogations."
I'd be fine with those techniques if we were in a legally declared war and the terrorists didn't abide by the Geneva Convention, but we're not in a legally declared war. That makes all the difference.

Mark Steyn on the situation in Pakistan.
"On Sept. 12, 2001, Gen. Musharraf was in a meeting "when my military secretary told me that the U.S. secretary of state, Gen. Colin Powell, was on the phone. I said I would call back later." The milquetoasts of the State Department were in no mood for Musharraf's I'm-washing-my-hair routine, and, when he'd been dragged to the phone, he was informed that the Bush administration would bomb Pakistan "back to the Stone Age" if they didn't get everything they wanted. Musharraf concluded that America meant it."
So how'd that work out for us? Besides turning Pakistan into the focal point of jihad, I mean. Mark Steyn is not usually stupid, but celebrating Bush's threat as something a model to be followed despite all the evidence of the damage it did is stupid. As bin Laden's residence proved, Pakistan didn't suddenly become a terrorist haven after Obama took office. It was a result of Bush's aggression, not Obama's lack of it, as if he lacks it.

Pakistani government leaks name of CIA bureau chief in Pakistan. That's a serious threat.


Juan Williams says Ron Paul is shaping Republican politics. He's right. It's about time.

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