Monday, December 27, 2010

Free kibbles


Robert Murphy explodes Krugman's claims that Keynesians accurately predicted the effects of Obama's stimulus boondoggle.

Auditor criticizes TSA for poor resource allocation in a real life example of government's failure to efficiently allocate resources because of lack of prices and profits.

"Since it was founded in 2001, the TSA has spent roughly $14 billion in more than 20,900 transactions with dozens of contractors, including $8 billion for the famous new body scanners that have recently come under scrutiny for being unable to perform the task for which they are advertised. 'TSA has an obsession of finding a single box that will solve all its problems. They've spent and wasted money looking for that one box, and there is no such solution,' said John Huey, an airport security expert.""

This is like the abandoned roads in Florida: a picture of the success of Austrian economics.


Quote encapsulates what I consider the skeptical position on global warming:
"It makes much more sense to me to view the present dynamic climatic situation in light of historical and geological records, particularly those of the past 2,000 years, for which we have independent data sets to confirm our findings. Dr. Syun-Ichi Akasofu has presented this perspective with remarkable clarity in his paper, On the recovery from the Little Ice Age, Natural Science, Vol.2, No.11, 1211-1224 (2010)
From this perspective, observed climate fluctuation is viewed as a continuation of natural geological and physical processes, in this case, recovery from the Little Ice Age.
This is not to say that human emissions do not contribute to climate fluctuation. However, we cannot understand the extent of human contributions until we fully understand the ongoing natural forces that have shaped the Earth’s climate for millennia before humans appeared on the scene."
Studying climate science is necessary to understand man's impact, but until scientists can understand the vastly complex natural climate system, so complex that won't happen any time soon, it's impossible to make prediction about the future and to measure the impact man has on climate. But the frauds continue to pretend otherwise, blame man for every storm and paint fantasies about an apocalyptic future. We don't have to worry about an apocalyptic future because we know another ice age will start soon, geologically speaking.

Search of New York Times archives reveals how incredibly common harsh winter storms are in New England, but that doesn't stop the New York Times from declaring this storm, and all the rest, as armageddons in their own right.

Nice graph showing how clueless NASA is about predicting sunspots and subsequently about predicting climate, but don't dare question the geniuses at NASA lest you be labeled a skeptic.


National Review interviews Ron Paul. Wow. He's finally made the big-time in Republican circles.


North magnetic pole rapidly shifting.

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